Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Treaties following WWI and its effects essays

The Treaties following WWI and its effects essays The restless state in Europe after World War I can be attributed to the poorly established peace treaties. The peace treaties of 1919 through the 1920s developed common ideas in order to prevent a future war and settle disputes. Agreements to disarm amongst nations provided a sense of security, especially after the Treaty of Versailles. However, the idealistic notions of the peace treaties proved unsuccessful, as none of the nations wanted to disarm first. Many treaties that followed the First World War were also created in order to make sure the stronger powers would not dominate. Because large amounts of damages were done, especially on the French territory, harsh reparations for Germany seemed reasonable as peacemakers and politicians saw this as restoring the balance of power. Although the attempts to make peace were evident, the ideals of the peace treaties enabled more problems to arise and eventually led to the Second World War. The first step to establishing peace was to disarm, and limit the size of militaries. Clemenceau believed that the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 was created in order to save Germany from aggression. The treaty wanted Germany to limit her army to 100,000 men, along with other burdening reparations. By forcing Germany to disarm, Clemenceau believed that there was room for restoration of peace in Europe. Contrary to Clemenceaus belief, Hitler thought of the treaty as a burden, but believed that when harsh reality hit, Germany can regain confidence. Germany signed a blank cheque, and an atmosphere of hatred and resentment of the treaty and politicians built up over the years. This then became Hitlers motivation to break ties with the treaty. Britain, USA and Japan were also involved in a military agreement. Growing tensions in the Pacific made USA weary about Japanese interest in the East. The Washington Naval Treaty agreed upon limiting the size o...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Ideas for Plant and Soil Chemistry Science Projects

Ideas for Plant and Soil Chemistry Science Projects Plant and Soil Chemistry Project Ideas Science fair projects that involve plants or soil chemistry are very popular with students. Its fun to work with living things and the environment that supports them. These projects are great from an educational standpoint because they integrate concepts from different areas of science and the scientific method. However, it isnt always easy to decide what to do with the plants and soil! These science fair project ideas can help you define your project. Some involve botany and chemistry, others have an environmental science slant, and then others are soil chemistry. Botany and Chemistry Components How do different fertilizers affect the way plants grow? There are lots of different types of fertilizers, containing varying amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, in addition to other ingredients. You can test different fertilizers and see how they affect the height of a plant, the number or size of its leaves, the number of flowers, time until blooming, branching of stems, root development, or other factors.Does using colored mulch have an effect on a plant? You can look at its height, fruitfulness, number of flowers, overall plant size, the rate of growth, or other factors.Is a seed affected by its size? Do different size seeds have different germination rates or percentages? Does seed size affect the growth rate or final size of a plant? Environmental Science Aspects How do different factors affect seed germination? Factors that you could test include the intensity, duration, or type of light, the temperature, the amount of water, the presence/absence of certain chemicals, or the presence/absence of soil. You can look at the percentage of seeds that germinate or the rate at which seeds germinate.How are plants affected by the distance between them? Look into the concept of allelopathy. Sweet potatoes are plants that release chemicals (allelochemicals) that can inhibit the growth of plants near them. How close can another plant grow to a sweet potato plant? What effects does an allelochemical have on a plant?How does cold storage affect the germination of seeds? Factors you can control include the type of seeds, the length of storage, the temperature of storage, and other variables, such as light and humidity.What conditions affect the ripening of fruit? Look at ethylene and enclosing a piece of fruit in a sealed bag, temperature, light, or nearne ss to other pieces or fruit. Soil Chemistry Considerations How are different soils affected by erosion? You can make your own wind or water and evaluate the effects on soil. If you have access to a very cold freezer, you can look at the effects of freeze and thaw cycles.How does the pH of soil relate to the pH of the water around the soil? You can make your own pH paper, test the pH of the soil, add water, then test the pH of the water. Are the two values the same? If not, is there a relationship between them?How close does a plant have to be to a pesticide for it to work? How do environmental factors (i.e., light, rain, wind, etc.) influence the effectiveness of a pesticide? How much can you dilute a pesticide while retaining its effectiveness? How effective are natural pest deterrents?What is the effect of a chemical on a plant? You can look at natural pollutants (e.g., motor oil, runoff from a busy street) or unusual substances (e.g., orange juice, baking soda). Factors that you can measure include the rate of plant growth, leaf size, lif e/death of the plant, the color of the plant, and ability to flower/bear fruit.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Project Management - Essay Example The paper ends with a summary that relates the four articles with each other and to the main topic. A list of references used in this paper is attached after the summary. In searching for articles to be used in this research paper, a basic search into the main topics was conducted. Key words such as "China", and "project management" were used in the search for journals that can be used. This resulted in a list of possible journal collections on the said keywords and two journals are refereed and fit the requirement of this research: The Project Management Journal collection as well as the International Journal of Project Management collection. In finding the appropriate articles, each journal collection was searched with key words such as "Western project management", "China project management" and "China" which generated articles as part of the specific journal collection. Since the search database was electronic, the four articles were chosen based on the availability of their full text for download. This journal entry is directly correlated with the research topic chosen as stated on the title. It lists, based on actual experimentation, the various PM practices that are not conflicting with the Chinese culture, and thus will be preferred and applied by most Chinese PM Practitioners. The article's main objective is to identify Chinese traditional culture that may not support the Western methodologies of project management which need to be reshaped in order to fit the PM practices (Wang and Liu 2007, p. 62). A survey was conducted among post-graduate students from the Yunnan province of China to ask their opinion on the topic, based on their work experiences. The results showed that the Chinese culture on avoiding conflict or the Doctrine of Mean does not hinder the PM integrating practice, however, their focus on family consciousness, strong hierarchy and boss orientation prevailed over the Western methodologies of horizontal management, task-oriented execution and performance-b ased execution (Wang and Liu 2007, p. 69). The length of service of the company as well as the type of Western PM training their practitioners received also affected the prioritized culture they displayed in project management. As a critique, the paper acknowledges its limitation in having done the survey only on one province in a country that has a large expanse and will have various sub-cultures as one travels through it (Wang and Liu 2007, p. 70). The conclusions presented are applicable to the Southwestern provinces at best, and will need to be cross-referenced with other studies to prove applicability of to China as a whole. Its strength lies on the fact that it considered various types of enterprises and years of existence in obtaining project experience. The article maybe accessed at . V. Article 2: Key project management practices affecting Singaporean firms' project performance in China This article is another significant study related to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Optical parameter Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Optical parameter - Research Paper Example This vital optics simplification does not account for the effects of optics like interference and diffraction. This paper seeks to explore the characteristics of different optical parameters. The first optical parameter is known as reflection. Different surfaces like those of mirrors reflect light in a predictable, easy way. This gives room for the production of images that are reflected which can be linked to real or virtual space location (Erik, 2004). In surfaces of this kind, the direction of the ray that is reflected is dependent to the ray that is incident to the normal surface and a line perpendicular towards the surface at exactly the same position that is hit by the ray (Francos, 2002). The reflected, and the incident ray lie in a same plane, and the angle of incidence is the same as the angle of reflection. This is referred as the reflection laws. Diagram 1 represents the incident and the reflected ray. Diagram 1. In a mirror that is flat, the reflection law means that the object’s images are upright and at an equal distance behind the given mirror (Francos, 2002). The size of the image is equal to that of an object. Apart from this, the images of mirrors would be laterally inverted. The mirrors having surfaces that are curved could be modeled through tracing of the ray and the use of the reflection law at all the points on the surface. Different surfaces that are curved could focus the light having aberrations because of the shape that is diverging leading to a smeared focus in the space (Hanrahan and Krueger, 2008). For instance, mirrors that are spherical will display spherical aberrations. Mirrors that are curved produce images having a magnification either less than or greater than one. These images could be either inverted or upright. An image that is upright is considered to be virtual, and images that are inverted are real and projected on the screen. Refraction, on the other hand, happens whenever light moves through a special region w ith refraction index that is changing. One easy situation of refraction happens whenever a uniform medium with refractive index ?1 interface with another medium with a different refraction index ?2 (Duarte, 2009). In this respect, the deflection of the light ray is described by Snell’s law which is given by; ?1sin ?1=?2 sin ?2, where ?1 and ?2 are angles formed between the reflected and the incident ray and the normal. From the given definition of the refractive index, the speed of light would also be changing from one medium to another (Francos, 2002). This implies that v1 sin ?2= v2sin?1, where v1 and v2 are the velocities of the waves the different media. In this regard, as the rays of light travel from a material with a high refractive index to that having a low refractive index, the interface interaction could lead to a zero transmission. This is referred to as the internal reflection. Snell’s law could also be used in the prediction of the rays of light passing t hrough media that is linear whenever there exist a refraction index and the media geometry. Absorption is a manner in which photon energy is obtained by matter. During the propagation of a wave, absorption is referred to as attenuation (Francos, 2003). The waves of absorption do not rely on the linear absorption. In some cases, the medium may change its dependently transparency in respect to the wave intensity and saturated absorption (Duarte, 2009). The

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Area of Study Journeys Essay Example for Free

Area of Study Journeys Essay In a Journey, a traveller can gain new perspectives of themselves and the world around them by taking on opportunities to learn. The novel ‘Raw’ by Scott Monk demonstrates these ideas by writing about a young boy named Brett, who hates authoritative figures such as the police. A change is perspective is shown in the late chapters when Brett is at the farm, meeting new friends and learning how lucky he is. What also changes Brett’s attitude to himself, other people that are the friends that he makes during the novel and a girl that he is willing to meet, even if he goes the prison. Brett’s punish for escaping from the Farm has change view of making decisions. Instead of judging and disliking a person, Brett has shown to change his views of other people on his journey. The Poem, ‘The road not taken’ by Robert Frost also exhibits the opportunity to gain new perspectives in the poem, through the use of an extended metaphor about the journey of life. This is shown in the poem when the persona apologises for not being able to take both sides of the road. Disappointment is shown when the persona gives a ‘sigh’. This shows how melancholic he is by giving a deep audible breath. A personal voice is used in the poem to create immediacy. In ‘Raw’, Brett’s journey to the Farm to meet new people and serve as a sentence instead of jail, has given him the opportunity to gain new perspective of himself and the world around him. Because of his journey, he decides to change how he feels about people such as his warden Sam and the police. The change made in the novel is that he chooses to call the police how they are called in instead of ‘pigs’. He has proven himself to be a selfless person when he saw his younger friend Frog, being tricked by a grown man. Immediately, he steps in to take Frog back to the Farm, even though he is up against an obstacle greater than himself. This noble act would not have happened at the beginning of the novel, because early in the chapter Brett feels that he is hated by everyone. His decision to prevent Frog from taking drugs is due to forming a close friendship with him and Brett’s guilt for allowing his friend to leave his sight. This is evident from the quote, ‘Give it back to him, Robbie’. Brett has also gain a new perspective of him after listening to Josh’s unfortunate story of his past. Josh’s story has made Brett thought of how promising his life can be because of the parents he has. He has learnt that the world has nothing against him and that he is only isolating himself from people who wish to know him. There is a lot of change in Brett, because at the beginning of the novel Brett is shown to be an extremely unpleasant person when speaking and looks at the police in a negative way. This is a contrast between Brett’s pre journey when he ran at the streets stealing a bott le store to his after journey, learning that only he can change his life. Brett’s Stream of consciousness can be seen by the readers a where he moves from his immature attitude to a wiser person when he listens to others and thinks about what he is doing. Brett and Josh have shown to have a friendlier approach to each other after Josh covered his fight with Smiling Joe. This demonstrates a change in Brett’s perspective because of Brett’s first run in with Josh, they immediately judged and dislike each other, treating one another like criminals. Whereas now they are able to understand each other. The reason for this is because of Brett appreciating Josh’s help. This is another contrast in Brett’s Journey, changing how he feels about others. We know how appreciative Brett is when he said ‘Thanks for that’ and ‘Sticking up for me’ After Brett’s escape from the Farm, not only is he punished but everyone else at the Farm is also punished for his actions. This is what makes Brett learn that there will always be consequences for his behaviour on the farm. Because of the punishment, Brett no longer tries to make an escape at Farm, after his first attempt. He also does not lie to the police when they ask him about stealing liquor from a man. This is because on his journey, meeting Caitlyn changes his decision of giving himself up and finish his sentence in jail instead of running away from the police to hide. A feeling of regret is made at the beginning of the poem for not being able to take both sides of the road. The persona in the end found that the path he took was a choice that he should not regret since not all opportunity can be taken and that it is very unlikely that he will ever comeback for the other path to discover what it is like. This is because after one road, he may encounter another and have to neglect the other. His wordchoice, ‘sorry’ conveys his feeling of regret. ‘The road not taken’ presents us the decision made in the journey of taking only one path of a diverged road because the persona may not be able to take the other path in future. The path he has taken is the one less travelled by and has changed his life. He has made an indication to us that the choice he decides is the more difficult one out of the two but the difference is that his one has been rewarding. This is said is the last two lines of the last stanza. There is a change in tense in the last lines, showing that he is happy with his decision. The past tense signifies that he want to look back at his decision later in life. A personal tone is used throughout the poem by having the persona speaking in first person. The composer allows the reader to observe what the personas knows or sees. This creates an immediate connection with the readers and persona. With this technique, we are drawn into his world, life and mind. We see what he tells us when he could not take both paths and later shows the he is satisfied with his choice. To sum up, A journey give the traveller a change in their attitude themselves other people. It is shown by composers with techniques to demonstrate the idea in the text such as the contrast of a person’s pre and after journey, when we track their inner thoughts through Stream of Consciousness. Our Wordchoice can expose how we feel in what we say and the use of first person allows us to connect with the persona.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Case Study of Bolivar and Contemporary Greek Mythology Essay -- Nikos

The excessive element of the hero in both the poetic and artistic expression of Nikos Engonopoulos: The case study of â€Å"Bolivar† and the contemporary revival of Greek mythology It is, I think, in itself an heroic act to speak today of heroes and heroic excession in an era that is characterized as anti heroic. In earlier times – much earlier than the nineteenth century – the history of human achievement was not conceived of as anything but the history of heroic deeds which the distinguished dared to undertake and successfully managed to execute (J.P.Vernant 1989: 145) and whose memory is still alive. But, nowadays, achievement is considered to be the transient personal flaunting in fields such as politics, economics, athletics and entertainment. Those people, indeed, inspire admiration bordering on deification, reverence, in other words, equal to the admiration for heroes of earlier times, adoration of idols. Our time is antiheroic, a time in which idols have substituted for heroes and the necessity for selfassertion and personal benefit wins over this collective development. However, the question still remains as to the excess in human potential and the choices confronting an adventurous temperament extinguishing or at least neglecting fear in the face of danger. No matter how extraordinary and insane it might be, very often, heroic behaviour continues to enchant. This happens, possibly, because of the element of excess which is characterised, more than at any other time, by a convergence of the desire of modern man not to be hemmed in by individual â€Å"musts† of the technological civilization and a desire to return to the charm of the fairy-tales of his childhood years. This effort to accept the reality is neve... ...nica Mc Goldrick, 1995. 16. Todorov Tzvetan, 1995, Les abus de la memoire, Arlea, Paris. 17. Gellner Ernest, 2002, Nationalism, Alexandria Athens. B. Articles 1. Engonopoulos Nikos, May 1956, Zygos, â€Å"Are there common points of contact between modern art and the ideal of Greek art?†, Athens. 2. Friar Kimon, 1978, Modern poetry, â€Å"Simon and Schuster†, New York. 3. Gonzales F., 1976, Collection Voix, Maspero,  « Battle, N. Engonopoulos, Bolivar, Introduction, traduction et postface », Paris. 4. Vasiliou A ., 1978, Modern thought, 20, â€Å"Engonopoulos – Empirikos and Greek surrealism†, Athens. 5. Diamantopoulou Evangelia, May 2000, Elelef, 3, â€Å" Fear and fearless heroes in Theophilos Hadjimichail’ s paintings†, Athens. 6. Diamantopoulou Evangelia, 2002, Anef, 5, â€Å"Aphrodite, goddess of ancient Greece, goddess of the sea: the artistic proposal of Theophilos†, Cyprus.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Balanced Scorecard Approach

Coca-cola Company (hereafter referred to as â€Å"the Company† or â€Å"the Organization†) is the owner of four of the world's top five nonalcoholic sparkling beverage brands known to almost every American. Coca-cola was established in 1886 and presently, it is operational in at least 200 countries having at the minimum 90,500 associates worldwide and serving â€Å"1. 5 billions† ( The Coca-cola 2008 p. 1 )of customers each day .The Company’s overall goal, which is its mission is to â€Å"refresh the world in body, mind and spirit, inspire moments of optimism through their brands and actions and to create value and make a difference in all their engagements† ( Mission, Vision, 2006) The Company is a manufacturer and seller of soft (carbonated) drinks with various brands, the most popular of which is the banner brand, Coke. In assessing its success, the Organization does not only count its monetary sales and profits but as well as its effect to the w orld in general.Coca-cola Company tries to be open and accessible to everyone who needs information on anything it does. Financial records, company information, customer-goal, investor values and press releases are all accessible at the Company’s website, www. thecoca-colacompany. com. Aside from the abovementioned mission, the Organization’s vision include the following (Mission, Vision, 2006): ? People: Being a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. ? Planet: Being a responsible global citizen that makes a difference.? Portfolio: Bringing to the world a portfolio of beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy peoples' desires and needs. ? Partners: Nurturing a winning network of partners and building mutual loyalty. ? Profit: Maximizing return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities Moreover, the Company’s strategies are incorporated in its values which include the following: ? Leadership: â€Å"Th e courage to shape a better future† ? Passion: â€Å"Committed in heart and mind† ? Integrity: â€Å"Be real† ? Accountability: â€Å"If it is to be, it's up to me† ? Collaboration: â€Å"Leverage collective genius†? Innovation: â€Å"Seek, imagine, create, delight† ? Quality: â€Å"What we do, we do well† SLP II. Indeed, customer is very important. Without a customer, any financial organization would not survive As Coca-cola’s way to retain existing customers and to encourage potential ones they have the following guidelines: Vision: Bringing to the world a portfolio of beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy peoples' desires and needs. Mission: Refresh the world in body, mind and spirit. Strategy: â€Å"What we do, we do well† To follow the guidelines and achieve what it wants, a set of very specific objectives must be met.The achievement of customer level objective, which includes â€Å"the satisfaction of custome rs, their retention, and larger market share† (The Balanced Scorecard) makes the business perform better. Why is the customer very important? Because there is a â€Å"direct correlation between financial results and customer. †(Shaw, 2000, p. 37) The Company, to satisfy its mission and vision, through its strategies for its existing and potential customers, the following objectives are setul: ? To satisfy customers with the gratifying taste of high quality products;? The introduction to customers of products with diverse and fortified products that are healthier. ? Production of healthy beverages lines which are tasty yet they are not damaging to health. The three objectives above are very important. The Company has acknowledge that â€Å"obesity and other health problems† (The Coca-cola, 2008, p. 12) may endanger the potential income of the Company as well as its name, which can be fatal to a company that† established reputations world-wide, and branding h as enabled international reputations to be created† (Kay, 1995, p. 15).Looking from these objectives, it can be seen that the third one is the most specific of the three. â€Å"production of healthy beverages lines which are tasty yet they are not damaging to health† would result to the â€Å"introduction of products taste diversity and fortification making them healthier† that would make customers satisfied with gratifying high-quality (healthy) beverages. This achieves the strategy of the Company stating, â€Å"What we do, we do well† and also its mission stating. â€Å"Refresh the world in body, mind and spirit†: an unhealthy drink would not satisfy the mind and spirit.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How New York Times vs Sullivan changed political thinking Essay

The history of the American nation has been evidently marked with many landmarks legal interpretations of its constitution. The case of New York Times vs. Sullivan is one good example of landmark cases which greatly changed the political thinking of the American population. It is clear from the underlying proceedings of the Supreme Court on the case that the legal understanding of the first and fourth amendments of the civil right bill is not to allow any recovery for media reports unless the complainant can sufficiently prove acts of malice when making the defamatory report (FindLaw, 2010). This is what marked the many historical appreciations of the media freedom in our legal justice system. It is indeed a direct result of this 1964 ruling that the media gain freedom to sufficient cover the proceedings of civil rights movement thus aiding in the realization of the ultimate inclusion of the black American’s right to the civil rights in the American constitution. This essay is written as a critical analysis of the New York Times vs. Sullivan and how it evidently changed political thinking in America. The author first gives an analytical discussion on the underlying facts presented in the case. A discussion on how the case set a precedent for public officials and how that is just another thing to consider for public figures getting into politics is also given Summary of the New York Times vs. Sullivan case 1. The trial courts judgment The case of New York Times vs. Sullivan involved a claim by New York Times in an advertisement that the arrest of Martin Luther king junior was a campaign to compromise his efforts in encouraging the blacks to vote (FindLaw, 2010). The advert claimed that the Montgomery police had been allegedly directed their acts against students who were involved in the civil rights demonstrations. The led to the filing of defamation case against New York Times by Sullivan, a commissioner in the police department at Montgomery (Shah & Anderson, 2007). It is however here to be made clear that the advert was not directly mentioning Sullivan but Sullivan claimed that it was targeting him since he was the chief supervision of the police department in Montgomery. he low court trial judge in Alabaman found the New York Times guilty of committing an actual malice defamatory statements against a public officer and ordered them to pay Sullivan damage worthy half a million US dollars. 2. The Supreme Court’s judgment and its reflection on the first and fourteenth amendment It is however to be realized that the New York Times did not accept the lower court jury’s judgment thus forcing to file an appeal with the supreme cou rt in the quest realizing a fair and just judgment (Tysoe, 2008). At the Supreme Court, the judges clearly confirmed that the provisions of the first amendment of the civil rights bill did not allow a public officer to be granted damages for defamation unless he or she clearly proves that such statements were made will actual malice against them. Still citing the fourteenth amendment to the constitution, the court ruled out that the states is not obliged to award damages for defamation to a public offices based on falsified claims unless the officers sufficiently proves actual malice in the statements (Shah & Anderson, 2007). It is also clear from the proceedings at the Supreme Court that an individual statement can never its protection under the American constitution even if it appears in the form of a paid advert. The judges claimed that it is not the purpose of the government to judge the truth and that a public officer must live to take critics from the public unless they can sufficiently proof malicious acts in the statements (Write & Lidsky, 2004). It was evidently claimed that any act of allowing Sullivan to be paid damages for insufficiently qualified claims of malice could act as a loophole for compromising any future critics to public officers. Still to be noted here is the fact that such any act could greatly compromise genuine critics for fear of intimidation, a move which could evidently compromise the just and fair provision of services by public officers to the general public. It is based on this reasons that the Supreme Court ruled against the lower courts ruling thus favoring New York Times. How New York Times vs. Sullivan set a precedent for public officials The first lesson is that it became evidently clear that a public official is subject to public criticism. It is quite clear from existing historical information that the realization of just and fair rules and regulations in the American nation has never been without social movements. Still clear is the fact that such realizations were heavily compromised with public office power interferences (Wright & Lidsky, 2004). The civil right movement of the twentieth century is no exception to this. It is based on this reasoning and by applying the principles of conclusion by sufficient reasoning that the 1964 interpretation of the American constitution served to protect the political elite and/or public officials from imposing force to the public. Another change that was brought by the impact of the New York Times vs. Sullivan case ruling is that the political elite in the community must be role models (Tysoe, 2008). It is found in the proceedings of the Supreme Court ruling that public officials should be open to critics from the public domain. This was made to emphasis the fact that such are the leaders who should lead the American nation to the next level of fairness and justice for all in the society. It was only by instilling the fact that the general public has a constitutional right to critique their leaders that political comments made by leaders are subject to self liability. This is what has made the political elite of the American nation respectful of the constitutional provisions thus sufficiently realizing greater levels of justice and fairness in the society (Melbourne University Law Review, 2001). Still proved by the case is the fact that sufficiently prove of defamation by actual malice is the ultimate reason for claiming legal awarding of damages (Melbourne University Law Review, 2001). The proceedings at the Supreme Court clearly established that the constitutional protection of claimed statement can not be negated due to the fact that such have been expressed in the context of a paid advertisement. This clear makes public officials subject to proving of actual malice in their damage claim suits. It is to be clearly noted that most true expression which go to the media can be easily disputed by the source (FindLaw, 2010). However, the question of whether or not to get defamatory damages remains subject to the provision of substantial evidence proving actual malice in the presentation of the expressions. How New York Times vs. Sullivan is just another thing to consider for public figures getting into politics The ruling in the case of the New York Times vs. Sullivan also instilled the lesson that no one in the American land is above the rule of law as provided in the constitution. Clear from the ruling of the lower court, it can be claimed that the jury sort less evidence to make the judgment in favor of Sullivan (Wright & Lidsky, 2004). This could be closely attributed to the fact that the government was out to control the progression of the Martin Luther King led civil rights movement. It is however clear from the Supreme Court judgment that despite such previous rulings on the case the constitutional provisions must be respected and applied equally to all in the society (Melbourne University Law Review, 2001). The provision for proving actual malice for compensation of defamation of an individual’s reputation should equally respect all even the politically advantaged in the society. It is this that made political influence on justice provisions mitigated thus respecting the rule of rule as reflected in the constitutional provision for independence of the judiciary. Another lesson from the case is that of limiting claim for awarding damage due to purported defamatory speech (Tysoe, 2008). From the advertisement that led to the defamation claims by Sullivan, it is quite clear that it claimed to be the onset of a new pattern of modern freedom. According to the ruling of the Supreme Court, it is quite clear that the constitution sufficiently protects the human right to speech. It is due to this that it found no sufficient claim of defamation in Sullivan’s claims due to the fact that the students involve were being deprived of their constitutional right to speech (Shah & Anderson, 2007). It is based on this reasoning that the ruling changing our political approaches to reflective our constitutional right to speech. The last lesson from the case ruling is that it made it clear that freedom of the press must be respected. It is to be noted here that the sole duties of the media is to provide news to the general public on occurrences around them. It is due to this reason that any act of compromise quality and accuracy of such news must be mitigated. Still to be understood here is the fact that the advertisement published by the New York Times was made for overseeing the fair and just execution of the underlying demands of the civil rights movement (Melbourne University Law Review, 2001). This is what made the ruling a greatly political influence blow in civil matters. Still realized from the ruling is the ultimate realizing of freedom of press. Indeed the New York Times vs. Sullivan led to the protection of the media against intimidation in covering the civil rights movement.  It is thus clear that the ruling changed the perception the political and public officials had with regard to the media in the society. Conclusion In conclusion, it has been clearly established that the Supreme Court ruling in the case of the New York Times vs. Sullivan marked the dawn of respect for freedom to speech and the press by public officials. It is thus clear that such a case qualifies to be a landmark case in the history of the American nation. It is this court ruling which mitigated misuse of public office and/or political power to impose legal awards for damages without sufficiently prove of actual malice.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Grammatical Case in English

Grammatical Case in English Grammatical Case in English Grammatical Case in English By Maeve Maddox Old English had five cases: nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, and instrumental. Modern English has three cases: 1. Nominative (also called subjective) 2. Accusative (also called objective) 3. Genitive (also called possessive) The objective case subsumes the old dative and instrumental cases. Case refers to the relation that one word has to another in a sentence, i.e., where one word â€Å"falls† in relationship to another. The word comes from a Latin word meaning â€Å"falling, fall.† In other modern languages, adjectives have case, but in English, case applies only to nouns and pronouns. Nominative/Subjective Case When a noun is used as a) the subject of a verb or b) the complement of a being verb, it is said to be in the subjective or nominative case. The king laughed heartily. King is a noun in the subjective case because it is the subject of the verb laughed. The king is the son of Eleanor of Aquitaine. Son is a noun in the subjective case because it is the complement of the being verb is. Accusative/Objective Case When a noun is used as the object of a verb or the object of a preposition, it is said to be in the objective or accusative case. The king subdued his enemies. Enemies is a noun in the objective case because it receives the action of the transitive verb subdued; it is the direct object of subdued. The friends went to a movie. Movie is a noun in the objective case because it is the object of the preposition to. Sallie wrote Charlie a letter. Charlie is a noun in the objective case because it is the indirect object of the verb wrote. A transitive verb always has a direct object; sometimes, it will have a second object called the â€Å"indirect object.† In the old terminology, the indirect object was said to be in the â€Å"dative case.† Nowadays, the indirect object, like the direct object, is said to be in the accusative or objective case Note: Some English teachers may still distinguish (as I once did) between the accusative and the dative, but the most recent college English textbook I have, (copyright 2000), does not even list the term â€Å"dative† in its index. As nouns and pronouns in the dative case are spelled the same as those in the objective case, there’s no practical reason to retain the former designation. Genitive/Possessive Case Of the three noun cases, only the possessive case is inflected (changes the way it is spelled). Nouns in the possessive case are inflected by the addition of an apostrophe–with or without adding an â€Å"s.† The boy’s shoe is untied. Boy’s is a singular noun in the possessive case. The boys’ shoes are untied. Boys’ is a plural noun in the possessive case. This one inflected noun case is the source of error for a great many native English speakers. English pronouns are also a frequent source of error because they retain inflected forms to show subjective and objective case: Pronouns in the subjective case: I, he, she, we, they, who Pronouns in the objective case: me, him, her, us, them, whom The pronouns you and it have the same form in both subjective and objective case. Note: Strictly speaking, both my and mine and the other possessive forms are genitive pronoun forms, but students who have been taught that pronouns stand for nouns are spared unnecessary confusion when the teacher reserves the term â€Å"possessive pronoun† for words that actually do stand for nouns, like mine and theirs. Like adjectives, my, its, our, etc. stand in front of nouns, so it makes sense to call them â€Å"possessive adjectives.† The objective form whom is almost gone from modern speech; the subjective form who has taken over in the objective case for many speakers. Related posts: Transitive Verbs The Principles of Possessives Beware of ‘Whom’ Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar 101 category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Greek Words You Should KnowAcronym vs. InitialismMay Have vs. Might Have

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Lever vs. Leverage

Lever vs. Leverage Lever vs. Leverage Lever vs. Leverage By Maeve Maddox A lever is a simple tool, a bar of iron or a sturdy length of wood that may be used to move or dislodge something heavy. Leverage is the mechanical advantage gained by a person using a lever. According to Archimedes, the power of a lever is formidable: â€Å"Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world.† –Archimedes A simple verb that means â€Å"to use a lever† is lever: Dig out a hollow which is larger than the base of the keystone and roll this rock into place. Use the crowbar to lever it into its final position. Each wedge in the row is pounded until a thin crack forms between the wedges and the rock can be levered apart. The noun from lever is leverage: the mechanical advantage gained by the use of a lever. A figurative meaning of leverage is â€Å"an advantage for accomplishing a purpose.† Price-conscious renters have no leverage [with landlords]. The West has far more economic leverage over Russia at this moment than it does military possibilities. The only negotiating leverage that most players had was to hold out at contract time, refusing to play unless their conditions were met. The OED’s first documentation of leverage as a verb is dated 1937: â€Å"Acey leveraged the arm upward.† By 1957, the form leveraged was in use to refer to buyouts and holding companies. In terms of finance, leverage means â€Å"to speculate financially on borrowed capital expecting profits to be greater than the interest that must be paid on the borrowed money.† A â€Å"leveraged buyout† is the buyout of a company by its management with the help of outside capital.† The word leverage appears in so many contexts now, both as noun and verb, that sometimes a reader must think carefully in order to know if it’s a noun meaning advantage or borrowing, or a verb meaning to lever, to supplement, to provide, or something else. Here are some examples: Hillshire Brands expects to focus on continuing to invest in its business, reducing leverage over time and pursuing opportunistic acquisitions. Alex Okosi [is] a key figure in the creation and production of world class African TV content for Africa. With this, he has built a successful platform for brands to leverage on. 5 Real Ways To Leverage Social Media Likes Are Not  Profit How Corine LaFont Leveraged Her Small Business Book Award Sometimes the prepositions that follow the verb leverage are redundant or just don’t make sense: One should leverage off of the previous work in completing this project.† President Margee Ensignwill lead faculty membersto deliberate on how to leverage on Nigeria’s huge human and natural endowments to win the national war against poverty and illiteracy. Bond Investors Looking For Bigger Returns Are Increasingly Relying To Leverage Writers might want to consider relinquishing leverage to the corporate wheeler-dealers for their exclusive use to refer to borrowing and buyouts. Plain old lever still has its uses as a verb. As for leverage as a noun, advantage can replace it in most figurative contexts. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Classes and Types of PhrasesOne Fell SwoopWhen to Spell Out Numbers

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Rhetorical analysis of Alicias Keys song If I Ain't Got You Essay

Rhetorical analysis of Alicias Keys song If I Ain't Got You - Essay Example The researcher states that the lyrics of a song are almost told in complete sentences and they are told in figures of speeches to better narrate what the artist wanted to tell in the song.   The first paragraph meant that people are now getting materialistic and vain that they only live for fortune, fame, power, game and physical things. The artist had been there and realized that these are empty endeavors because what matter is how beautiful the person is inside. This means that the artist only wanted the person that she loves because it is all that really matters in this world. The diamond rings are only symbolic of the superficiality that the song already detest that it really meant nothing. Alicia Keys only meant beauty as a vain basis for love when she wrote about the fountain that promises forever young. The roses and the silver platter are only a way to impress her but it is meaningless when it cannot be shared with the person she loves. The music video is the visual narrati ve of the song. In the opening scene of the video, there were men carrying a big piano which seems to have been bought by Alicia Keys fiancà © (while alternating with her playing the piano). The choice of piano and not other material things is symbolic that what matters most are what is inside which in this case, music and love as represented by the piano. Of course, she was delighted when she saw it and they kissed manifesting their love for each other. It can be observed that the apartment was empty except for the piano which figuratively explains that material things were not that important as told in the lyrics. Scenes displaying money and diamonds in a drawer were shown later inside a regular clothing drawer against the background â€Å"so full of superficial†. The succeeding scenes showed alternate of Alicia Keys singing and the lovers expressing their love for each other and how happy they are being together. It also showed the struggle of couples in the scene in the kitchen where they eventually argued with the man leaving.