Monday, September 30, 2019

Traditional Vs Interactive Simulation Effect On Students Education Essay

Chapter 4This chapter describes the consequences of the statistical analyses of the informations collected in order to prove the research hypotheses that guided this survey. It besides contains the treatment sing the results from these analyses and information gathered from the Pre-test and post-test on Electrostatic for control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation and besides questionnaire on pupils ‘ attitude towards larning scientific discipline.4.1 Reliability of trial instrumentsThe Cronbach ‘s alpha dependability coefficient was calculated to find the dependability of the trials instruments. Table 4.1 shows that the Cronbach ‘s alpha dependability coefficients are scope from 0.600 to 0.885. This indicates the trial points are acceptable for usage in the survey. Table 4.1 Cronbach ‘s Alpha Reliability for Test on Electrostatic and Questionnaire on Attitude. N of points Cronbach ‘s Alpha Reliability Attitude towards Science 28 0.885 Trial on Electrostatic 27 0.6444.2 Traditional vs. Interactive Simulation consequence on pupils ‘ accomplishment on ToEThis subdivision describes the consequences of analyses to obtain replies for the first research aims: To look into the effectivity of two different instructional attacks ( I ) learning with traditional manner or ( two ) instruction and larning with Interactive simulation on pupils ‘ accomplishment on trial of electrostatic In order to arouse replies to the research aim, the undermentioned research inquiry and research hypotheses were formulated. Research Question 1: Is there important consequence in pupils ‘ accomplishment on Pre and Post trials on electrostatic ( TOE ) for ( one ) control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and ( two ) experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) ? The void hypotheses are formulated in order to reply research inquiry 1: H 1: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment on the pre and station trials on electrostatic for control group ( learning with traditional learning manner ) . H 2: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment on the pre-post trials on electrostatic for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Paired sample t-test was conducted severally on the average tonss of pre and station trials on electrostatic ( ToE ) for ( one ) control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and ( two ) experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Table 4.2 Consequences of Paired sample on Test on Electrostatic ( ToE ) for control ( n = 31 ) and experimental groups ( n=25 ) Sample Group Trial on Electrostatic Mean Score South dakota Mean Diff. South dakota T Sig. ( 2-tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Control Group ( Teaching with Traditional manner ) Pre Post 9.19 18.06 2.71 5.43 8.87 4.84 10.20 *.000 0.71 Experimental Group ( Teaching and larning with synergistic simulation ) Pre Post 8.72 22.16 4.33 4.68 13.44 3.80 17.69 *.000 0.83 *p & A ; lt ; Consequences of mated sample t-test for Hypothesis 1.A paired-samples t-test was conducted to measure the impact of the intercession on pupils ‘ mean tonss on the ToE for control group ( learning with traditional manner ) . It can be seen that from Table 4.2, there was a statistically important addition in the mean mark between the Pre and Post on ToE for control group from ( M= 9.19, SD=2.713 ) to ( M=18.06, SD=5.428 ) severally at T ( 30 ) = 10.20 at P & A ; lt ; 0.05 degree. The consequence size ( .71 ) indicates a big consequence size on pupils ‘ accomplishment before and after. The average mark difference between Pre and Post ToE is M=8.87. Therefore the void hypothesis 1 is rejected. This indicates that there is important difference in pupils ‘ mean mark for control group ( learning with traditional manner ) before and after intercession. It means that the pupil performed significantly better in the post-test compared to their public presentation in the pre-test. This shows that pupils do understand to what the instructor is learning.4.2.2 Consequences of mated sample t-test for Hypothesis 2.Same trial has been conducted to measure the impact of the intercession on pupils ‘ mean tonss on the ToE for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Besides from table 4.2, there was a statistically important addition in the mean mark difference between the Pre and Post on ToE for experimental group from ( M = 8.72, SD = 4.326 ) to ( M = 22.16, SD = 4.679 ) at T ( 24 ) = 17.69 at P & A ; lt ; 0.025 degree. The consequence size after intercession for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) is ( .83 ) indicates a really big consequence to pupils ‘ accomplishment in ToE. The average mark difference between Pre and Post ToE is ( M = 13.44 ) . With these, the void hypothesis 2 is besides non accepted. This means there is important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment after intercession utilizing synergistic simulation. It means that the pupil besides performed significantly better in the post-test compared to their public presentation in the pre-test after utilizing synergistic simulation in the instruction and learning electrostatic.4.2.3. DecisionFrom the consequences of the tabular array above, it can be concluded that after learning either with traditional method or utilizing synergistic simulation, it have significantly consequence on pupils ‘ accomplishment in trial on electrostatic. However harmonizing to the findings, it was found out that pupils ‘ accomplishment is somewhat higher in experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) compared to pupils ‘ accomplishment in control group ( learning with traditional manners ) as the consequence size is 0.83 and 0.71 severally. It shows larning public presentation was better when utilizing simulations in instruction and acquisition compared to learning with traditional manner. Research Question 2 Is there important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment on Pre and Post Test on Electrostatic ( ToE ) between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) ? The void hypotheses are formulated in order to reply research inquiry 2: H 3: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment on the pre-test on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . H 4: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment on the post-test on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Independent sample trial was conducted on the average tonss of pre and station trials on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Table 4.3 Consequences of Independent T-Test on Test on Electrostatic for control and experimental groups Trial on Electrostatic Group Mean South dakota Mean Diff. T Sig. ( 2-tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Pre Control Experimental 9.19 8.72 2.71 4.33 .474 .477 .636–Post Control Experimental 18.06 22.16 5.43 4.68 4.10 2.98 *.004 0.40 *p & A ; lt ; 0.0254.2.4 Consequences of independent sample t-test for Hypothesis 3In this subdivision, it shows that there is non differ significantly, ( t = .477, DF=38.54, p=.636 ) in pre-test on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation ) as ( M = 9.19, SD = 2.71 ) and ( M=8.72, SD=4.33 ) . There is merely a little mean difference between both groups i.e. ( M=.474 ) . Therefore the void hypotheses 3 can be accepted. This means that the degree of apprehension of the pupils towards electrostatic in both category i.e. control group and experimental group are the same.4.2.5 Consequences of independent sample t-test for Hypothesis 4By looking at table 4.3 under post-tests for both groups, it shows that there is significantly difference between post-test on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manners ) and experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation ) as T ( 54 ) = 2.98 at P & A ; lt ; .025. This is because the average difference is big i.e. ( M = 4.10 ) comparison to the pre-test mean difference. The consequence size is ( =.40 ) which means giving a moderate consequence when the pupils intervene by synergistic simulations. But still, it shows great betterment in post-test on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation ) as ( M = 18.06, SD = 5.43 ) and ( M=22.16, SD=4.68 ) . This shows that with the aid of synergistic simulations, it so effectual in bettering pupils ‘ accomplishment in natural philosophies topics. The void hypothesis will non be accepted.4.2.6 DecisionThe consequence from the independent trial analyses, there is no important difference between pre-test of control and experimental group. However, there is extremely important difference between post-test control group and experimental group at P & A ; lt ; .05. And the consequence size indicates that learning with synergistic simulation do hold moderate consequence on pupils ‘ accomplishment on electrostatic. From the consequences it shows that synergistic simulation can assist in pupils understanding better in natural philosophies constructs compared to learning with traditional manner.4.3 Traditional vs. Interactive Simulation consequence on pupils ‘ attitudes towards ScienceThis subdivision describes the consequences of analyses to obtain replies for the 2nd research a ims: the consequence of on control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) on pupils ‘ accomplishment and attitude towards Science. In order to arouse replies to the research objectives, the undermentioned research inquiry and research hypotheses were formulated. Research Question 3 Is there important difference in pupils ‘ attitude before and after learning for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) ? The void hypotheses are formulated in order to reply research inquiry 3: H 5: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ attitude before and after learning for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . H 6: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ attitude before and after learning for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) for different sphere. Paired sample t-test was besides performed on the average difference of pupils ‘ attitude toward scientific discipline before and after learning for both experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) and for different sphere ( involvement, pertinence, continuity and motive ) at P & A ; lt ; .05. Table 4.4 Consequences of Paired sample on Survey on pupils ‘ attitude towards larning Science for control and experimental groups Sample Group Survey Nitrogen Mean Mark South dakota Mean Diff. South dakota T Sig. ( 2-tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Control Group Pre Post 31 31–3.74–.483–––––Experimental Group Pre Post 25 25 3.50 3.97 .326 .440 .467 .613 3.81 .001 0.524.3.1 Consequences of mated sample t-test for Hypothesis 5.Table 4.4 reveals that the difference between the pre-survey and post-survey for experimental group is statistically important at T ( 24 ) = 3.81 at P & A ; lt ; 0.01 degree. As the mean of pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline was increased from ( M= 3.50, SD=.440 to ( M=3.97, SD=.326 ) with the average difference of ( M=.467 ) . It indicates that the pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline is going more positive after being introduced to interactive simulation and the consequence size Tells with synergistic simulation, it does give great impact on attitude of pupils. As during the lessons, for experimental groups they interact with the pedagogue while the instructor explains the electrostatic by utilizing the synergistic simulation. This shows that pupil truly interested to cognize what happens.4.3.2 Consequences of mated sample t-test for Hypothesis 6.From table 4.5, there are statisticall y important for all the spheres as for involvement T ( 24 ) = 6.162, pertinence T ( 24 ) = 2.552, and motive T ( 24 ) = 2.751 at P & A ; lt ; .025 excepting continuity T ( 24 ) = 2.367 shown non important at P & A ; lt ; .025. Out of the four dimension, involvement in larning scientific discipline has the highest average difference ( M =.726 ) followed by pertinence ( M =.400 ) and so motive ( M =.360 ) . The tabular array farther Tells that after the pupils being taught utilizing synergistic simulation, it gave great impact on pupils ‘ involvement towards larning scientific discipline as the consequence size is ( .67 ) i.e. large consequence. Along with pertinence and motive as both gave moderate consequence ( .40 ) every bit good as continuity ( .32 ) . Therefore the void hypotheses is rejected for 3 spheres i.e. motive, involvement and pertinence except for continuity, there is no important difference therefore, void hypothesis is accepted. Table 4.5 Consequences of Paired sample on Survey on pupils ‘ attitude towards larning Science for different sphere for experimental groups Sphere Survey Mean South dakota Mean Diff. South dakota T Sig. ( 2 tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Interest Pre Post 3.29 4.02 .441 .370 .726 .589 6.16 *.000 0.67 Applicability Pre Post 3.56 3.96 .516 .416 .400 .784 2.55 *.017 0.40 Continuity Pre Post 3.69 4.05 .561 .470 .360 .761 2.37 .026 0.32 Motivation Pre Post 3.47 3.86 .521 .404 .383 .696 2.75 *.011 0.404.3.3 DecisionsFrom the information analyses above, this proved that pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline shows more positive after been exposed to new learning manner i.e. learning with synergistic simulation. Therefore both hypotheses 5 and 6 are rejected as there are important differences in pupils ‘ average attitude towards Science. This means synergistic simulations able to hold on pupils ‘ attending and hike their involvement and motive to larn Science. Research Question 4 Is there important difference in pupils ‘ attitude after learning between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) ? The void hypotheses are formulated in order to reply last research inquiry 4: Hypotheses 7 There is no important difference in pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline after learning between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Hypotheses 8 There is no important difference in pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline after learning between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) for different sphere ( involvement, pertinence, continuity and motive ) Independent sample trial was conducted on the average difference of pupils ‘ attitude toward scientific discipline before and after learning for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) and for different sphere ( involvement, pertinence, continuity and motive ) at P & A ; lt ; . Consequences of independent sample t-test for Hypothesis 7Under this subdivision, the average study points is at P & A ; lt ; 0.05 which indicates that pupils ‘ attitude towards larning Science do differ significantly after learning i.e. comparing between learning with traditional manner and synergistic simulation. Table 4.6Independents sample Test on pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline after learning between Control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and Experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation ) Survey Group Nitrogen Mean South dakota Mean Diff. T Sig. ( 2-tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Post Control Experimental 25 31 3.74 4.02 .483 .327 .287 2.64 .011 0.34 This indicates learning with synergistic simulation make assist student better engage in the lesson taught. And be more synergistic with the instructor as compared to traditional instruction manner.4.3.5 Consequences of independent sample t-test for Hypothesis 8Table 4.7 Independent T-test on pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline after learning between Control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and Experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation ) in different sphere Sphere Group Nitrogen Mean South dakota Mean Diff. T Sig. ( 2 tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Interest Experimental Group 25 4.10 .414 .492 4.06 *.000 0.50 Control Group 31 3.61 .478 Applicability Experimental Group 25 3.98 .409 .218 1.74 .087 0.22 Control Group 31 3.77 .505 Continuity Experimental Group 25 4.10 .447 .180 1.26 .214 0.20 Control Group 31 3.91 .621 Motivation Experimental Group 25 3.97 .396 .299 2.32 *.024 0.30 Control Group 31 3.67 .535 As seen from the tabular array when comparing the station study of control and experimental groups merely two of the dimension differ significantly i.e. involvement and motive towards scientific discipline. Whereas, pertinence and continuity towards scientific discipline remain the same for both groups, this indicates there is no important difference. There were large consequence size for involvement sphere ( =.50 ) and moderate consequence size ( =.30 ) . Whereas consequence size for pertinence and continuity indicates little consequence size ( =.22 ) and ( =.20 ) severally.4.3.6 DecisionThe independent trial for this subdivisions conclude that learning with synergistic simulation do give little consequence on pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline. But for the sphere, pupils ‘ involvement towards scientific discipline shows consequence as P & A ; lt ; .05. On the other manus, pupils ‘ pertinence towards scientific discipline does non demo any important di fference as P & A ; gt ; .05.4.4 Students InterviewThe followers was the extract of pupils interview on what do they believe between larning traditionally and larning with the aid of synergistic simulation. Teacher: Which manner of learning would you preferred? Students: Teacher: Is the teacher manner of learning easier to understand? Students: Teacher: In your sentiment, what do you anticipate the instructor to make, to do the lesson interesting? Students: Teacher: Do you believe with the aid of ICT can do the lesson interesting and assist you understand better/ for case what the instructor did in the schoolroom Students:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Library an Internet Essay

The internet and the library , both are the considered to be a big depository of information .Library can be defined as [1]â€Å"A collection of literary documents or records kept for reference or borrowing† While Internet is defined as [2]â€Å"An electronic network providing access to millions of resources worldwide. University Libraries provide access to many periodical indexes through the Internet. Internet access is available on all floors of the Libraries.† Internet and the library both seems to be serving the same purpose but as the time goes by and world moves to new innovations and directions , the question arises is the latter going to replace the former . This essay compares and contrasts the Internet and an Library , how they share a common purpose and how they vary from each other while serving the purpose . Both the internet and an Library provides information on a wide array of topics but it may be not be necessary that library in United states has the books or journals about the History of Asian countries like china , India . Even if an American Library does has the books and information on the Asian history it may not as exhaustive as it would be in the libraries based in Asia itself . It is not possible to have the same set of books and information in all the libraries. Not all the books available in the Library of the Lindenwood university would be same as available in the libraries of Delhi University at India . Although noticeable works like the ones of Shakespeare would be definitely on the shelves of both the libraries .But its not always necessary that less known authors or journals will make to each library. While on the other hand information available on internet is universal , the same information can be accessed in all the computers worldwide . There is no regional version of internet just about anyone and everyone can access the same information whether it is done with a internet connection in India or in Americas .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Segmentation and Target Market Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Segmentation and Target Market Paper - Essay Example Per year it is selling around 10 billion energy drinks. To increase the profitability of the company and to expand its customer base Monster Energy is presently targeting young adults and teenagers for selling its products. The energy drinks and juices of this company contain different ingredients like caffeine, herbal extracts, taurine, and vitamins B. Monster energy produces such energy drink which falls into the category of functional beverages. The company Monster Energy supports many sports activities and events like BMX, skateboarding, eSports, snowboarding etc. The firm promotes many music brands like The World Alive, Shinedown, Asking Alexandria, Maximum the Hormone etc around the world. Monster Energy drink has become very popular in different countries of the world. In the present time the company has expand its market which helped to expand its customer base and increase its target market. Earlier Monster Energy sold its product only in United States. At that time Athletes were its primary customer. Then all its energy drink was sold to a particular group of people having specific interest. But in the present time lifestyle of people have changed a lot. Many people are consuming different types of energy drinks and health drinks as their daily food products. This is one of the important reasons of expanding the market of Monster energy by targeting new customers. The company is presently targeting young teenagers around 20- 28 years. Both of male and female genders are included in this firm’s target market. The products of Monster Energy drink are previously targeted to male people. But now a day’s its products are also targeted to female customers. The organization’s target market comprises of the customers who are belonging from middle class and upper class of the society. They are having sufficient income to afford the products of Monster Energy Company. Its target market also

Friday, September 27, 2019

Explain why,and how,an English-based Creole is being promoted in any Essay

Explain why,and how,an English-based Creole is being promoted in any one country - Essay Example Consequently, an individual’s language also undergoes the interactions with other languages existing in his surroundings and such interactions between the languages result into the structuring of a new form of language, called Pidgin that the individuals of different languages can use at their own conveniences. Such Amenities and conveniences that a Pidgin provides its speakers evolves from the amalgamation of the convenient forms and contents of both of the languages (Kachru & Nelson, 2006). Indeed a Pidgin exists to serve a particular set of purposes such as economic, political, social, religious, etc. When along the passage of social transformation a Pidgin or a set of varied Pidgins is widely used by the people of a country, a Creole happens to exist in the form of a stable language with particular grammatical rules and norms. So it is difficult to distinct the separate existence of a Creole along the Pidgin-Creole continuum (Bickerton, 1975). This paper aims to substantia te the development of a Creole in a country, particularly in Jamaica. Various linguists have defined Creole in different ways. The commonalities of these is that all of them consider a Creole as a stable language with a set of grammatical norms and rules that evolve from its prior form, Pidgin, whereas the later serves as a lingua franca used by several linguistic communities for a particular purpose. Pidgin and Creole are often described as â€Å"trade language† and â€Å"contact language† and necessarily a Creole originates from a Pidgin. As Foy (2007) says in this regard, A Creole language is usually described as the descendant of a pidgin language and created when a pidgin language acquires native speakers and develops into a mother tongue, hence the popular assertion that a Creole language is any language with a pidgin in its ancestry (p. 9). An overall analysis of the development of a Pidgin and therefore, a Creole in any region is bound to reveal

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Do we live in a celebrity-dominated consumer culture Essay

Do we live in a celebrity-dominated consumer culture - Essay Example "They should not be treated as fodder." But that's exactly how they are treated. MTV executives deny it, but when their young subjects vie for space with J-Lo and Jolie on the covers of People and Us Magazine, it's hard to say the shows aren't glamorizing teen motherhood. At a time when poorer, less educated teens in the U.S. are statistically more at risk of having children out of wedlock, this drive for market share feels predatory and seedy and feeds right into an American culture beset by narcissistic, self-destructive behavior† Tafaro, E. A., & Zuccarello, F. (2012, July-August). Chopped Chef: Celebrity Chefs Have Become Big Business. Not Having Adequate Disability Insurance for Them Can Be a Recipe for Disaster. Risk Management, 59(6), 16+. "If you are a Baby Boomer, you probably remember the cooking show The French Chef. Filmed live and uncut, you could hear the pots and pans bang, oven doors squeak, and chef Julia Child's singsong patter about life in the kitchen. It wa sn't terribly exciting, but Child became a pop-culture icon and was in many ways the first true celebrity chef. But somewhere along the way that tiny kitchen on Julia Child's low-budget set became "Kitchen Stadium" on Food Network's popular Iron Chef series. It became a place where chefs enter a culinary arena like gourmet gladiators, accompanied by blaring music, blinding lights that could illuminate an airport runway and the almost surreal sight of a man hoisting a $100,000 camera on his back while zooming in on the perfect close-up of a stick of butter melting in a frying pan. Today's celebrity chefs are treated like rock stars because they get paid like rock stars, led by Gordon Ramsay... This "Do we live in a celebrity-dominated consumer culture?" essay outlines how media change our values and our consumer needs. "Blum notes, however, that critical demands for "more realistic" media images are ineffectual: "To imagine that there are people who could change the images if they wanted to is to misunderstand the embeddedness of the image producers in a cultural machinery that they don't run but instead merely service. For them, as well as us, the linage and beauty are coextensive" (p. 65). Feminist calls for resistance to the beauty myth are no better, for there is no way to step outside the cultural frame and distinguish between genuine desires and those that are merely distortions of consumer capitalism. Blum cautions that in fact, "[w]e need to transcend feminist criticisms of body practices that can wind up being as shaming as the physical imperfections that drove us to beautify in the first place" (p. 63). I find little to disagree with in this analysis, as fer as i t goes, but find it strange that there is so little explicit consideration of the role of patriarchal structures in the increasingly high demands for feminine beauty. Although it's true that more men seek cosmetic surgery than ever before, Blum offers little discussion of how the need for male approval may influence women's choices to seek surgery. (And having recently read several devastating feminist critiques of the popularity of "labia reduction" and "vaginal rejuvenation" surgeries, I can't help but wonder what Blum's take on those procedures would be.)"

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marine biodiversity conservation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marine biodiversity conservation - Essay Example The main externalities from impure goods are: Limit to growth problems: some impure goods are non-replenishable and could fall within a given geographical area posing problems that influence the whole world or the region for example forests, natural gas, and endangered species of plants and animals. In this regard, exploitation of these natural resources in a given country have to take into consideration externality effects beyond the borders otherwise result in international tension as exemplified by the Arab Israel conflict through the sharing of water from the Golan Heights and Mount Sinai. More benefits than the costs: the payment for an impure good does not cover the positive effects of having the good for example payment to visit a park are minimal for payment of benefits delivered by the park. This shows that impure public goods have more positive externality than negative. There are three main technologies for the supply of public goods for analysis in this study, which are additive, weakest link and best shot impure goods supply technologies. There are factors that affect supply of impure public goods like marine biodiversity due to the characteristics they posses. There is a need to ensure socially efficient supply of impure public goods like marine biodiversity, but currently there is undersupply. Marine biodiversity conservation is an important factor to the local and the international environment and there has to be participation between more than one country for the realization of the optimal supply amount for the benefit of the current and the future generations. This is due to the benefits of marine biodiversity conservation that span beyond the national borders opening the need for the collaboration between national, regional, and global partners for the conservation of marine biodiversity. The additive supply technology

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

FDI and Economic Growth Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

FDI and Economic Growth - Article Example The UN defines control in this case as owning 10% or more of the ordinary shares or voting power of an incorporated firm or its equivalent for an unincorporated firm. In the years after the World War II global FDI was dominated by theUnited States, as much of the world recovered from the destruction wrought by the conflict. The U.S. accounted for around three-quarters of new FDI (including reinvested profits) between 1945 and 1960. Since that time FDI has spread to become a truly global phenomenon, no longer the exclusive preserve of OECD countries. FDI has grown in importance in the global economy with FDI stocks now constituting over 20% of global GDP. In the last few years, the emerging market countries such as China and India have become the most favoured destinations for FDI and investor confidence in these countries has soared. As per the FDI Confidence Index compiled byA.T. Kearney in 2006, China and India hold the first and second position respectively, whereas United States has slipped to the third position. position. Types of FDI Greenfield Investment: direct investment in new facilities or the expansion of existing facilities. Greenfield investments are the primary target of a host nation's promotional efforts because they create new production capacity and jobs, transfer technology and know-how, and can lead to linkages to the global marketplace. However, it often does this by crowding out local industry; multinationals are able to produce goods more cheaply (because of advanced technology and efficient processes) and uses up resources (labor, intermediate goods, etc). Another downside of greenfield investment is that profits from production do not feed back into the local economy, but instead to the multinational's home economy. This is in contrast to local industries whose profits flow back into the domestic economy to promote growth. Mergers and Acquisitions: transfers of existing assets from local firms to foreign firms takes place; the primary type of FDI. Cross-border mergers occur when the assets and operation of firms from different countries are combined to establish a new legal entity. Cross-border acquisitions occur when the control of assets and operations is transferred from a local to a foreign company, with the local company becoming an affiliate of the foreign company. Unlike greenfield investment, acquisitions provide no long term benefits to the local economy-- even in most deals the owners of the local firm are paid in stock from the acquiring firm, meaning that the money from the sale could never reach the local economy. Nevertheless, mergers and acquisitions are a significant form of FDI and until around 1997, accounted for nearly 90% of the FDI flow into the United States. Horizontal Foreign Direct Investment: investment in the same industry abroad as a firm operates in at home. Vertical Foreign Direct Investment: is of two kinds: 1) backward vertical FDI: where an industry abroad provides inputs for a firm's domestic production process 2) forward vertical FDI: in which an industry abroad sells the outputs of a firm's domestic production FDI can also be categorized based on the motive behind the investment from the perspective of the investing firm: Resource Seeking: Investments which seek to acquire factors of production that are more efficient than those obtainable in the home economy of the firm. In some cases, these resources may not be available in the home e

Monday, September 23, 2019

MailChimp as One of The Newsletters in Advertising Essay

MailChimp as One of The Newsletters in Advertising - Essay Example This makes it easy to use and adopt.However, the disadvantages include its inability to tolerate spamming as well as the unsolicited mails. As such if one’s correspondence is labeled as spam, the system automatically disables one’s access to the services of the recipient. The advantages include: simple to use and manage, maximum delivery of services, customer support, simple to create as well as deliver, and customizable. The disadvantages include: it is not cheap and unable to send videos on emails (Jose, 9). The advantages are: it has very competitive prices, ability to provide live customer support via phone and webinar, supports autoresponder. The disadvantages include: a limit on the number of campaigns one can run at a given time, and the web-based browser may sabotage one's emails when they  switch. Advantages include: Very convenient as customers don’t need to install it, and its cost effective. The disadvantages include: the data security may be a chal lenge.   Advantages include providing users with easy to use templates. The disadvantages are no live chat support.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Racial discrimination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Racial discrimination - Research Paper Example Racism involves more than cognizant ill-will, more than willful acts of exclusion, avoidance, violence and malice committed by individuals. Racism explains the actuality of unjust benefit, bestowed authority, and unseen concession which the white Americans enjoy, to the burden, detriment, and drawback of the individuals of color. We may infer that racial bias works my means of acts carried out of conscious alertness. Also racial discrimination is not naturally bestowed upon human beings, it is a created vice. Racism or racial discrimination is rather complicated and is not the mundane understanding. It is far worse than the actions of bigotry, bias, and exclusion. Racism is a way of accepting and inferring discrepancies in the color of the skin which makes the white Americans have the benefit of an advantaged social class which provides admission and gains to the disadvantage, detriment and trouble to individuals of color. In all permutations, racial discrimination is at the centre a resistance of social benefits based on racism (Synder, 2008). Globalization and racial discrimination The super powers of today, like, Australasia, European countries and North America and pockets of wealthy nations have quickly adjusted to the strategy to embrace apartheid in a bid to protect themselves from the risk of privileged lifestyles and territorial integrity. This hazard is posed by the imminent increase in international migration from underdeveloped to developed nations, especially nations witnessing the collapse of its governments to those having a strong and stable functional political environment. In fact, a bulk of 23 million displaced persons and immigrants worldwide hail from the poorer Third World nations. This is where racial discrimination with reference to inhospitable reactions from developed nations towards these migrants is the highlight of widespread racial discrimination conducted. Despite the fact that, official apartheid conducted in South Africa has now been banned, nations worldwide are in favor of making preventive policies and acts of control which are strikingly similar to those acts of apartheid conducted in the 1950s in South Africa. Moreover, these nations have plausible reasons for imposing such policies in the name of defending the existing social institutions and cultures, maintaining law and order, enhancing security in states, preserving economic benefits, safeguarding ethnic identity and a means of managing and regulating movements in population. The breakthroughs attained in technology especially in the field of communications have spurred interdependence and closer linkages in many parts. Occurrences taking place in a particular area may activate a series of incidences which may have effects in nations which are far away from the scene of crime. Also one can opine that globalization is responsible for certain challenges. The worldwide economy is subject to the interlinked economies of the Europe, United States, Japa n, and the quickly increasing ones of Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Pressures of migration have resulted from changes in the region of economic growth places and from dislocation caused by clash (Richmond, 1994). Racial discrimination in the workplace Racial/ethnic pestering and discrimination means unwanted, uncomfortable or unwelcome treatment on the basis of ethnicity or race and pressurizes the targeted individual’

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Century of the Self Essay Example for Free

The Century of the Self Essay The Century of the Self is a British documentary series in four episodes diffused by BBC four in 2002 and art house cinemas in the US. This documentary was written, realized, produced and directed by Kevin Adam Curtis, an English filmmaker, born in 1955. His work is more of a journalistic work than a director work; indeed his works are based on sociology, philosophy and political history. Adam Curtis won various awards like Golden Gate Persistence of Vision Award at the San Francisco International Film Festival in 2005 or the Alan Clarke Award for Outstanding Contribution to Television at the British Academy Television Awards but The Century of the Self is best-known work. The Century of the Self is a documentary talking about the untold and sometimes controversial story of the development of mass consumer society in Britain and the United States. It shows the evolution of the Western individual, traditional rights to the individual consumer, how that created consumer-king, by whom and for whose interests? This film examines how Freud’s theories of the unconscious shaped the development of PR and advertising; and why psychoanalysis may still appear today as a critical theory of consumerism and social conformity. The word  « consumerism  » can be defined in different ways: ? Refers to all doctrines, actions and organizations dedicated to the defense of the interests of consumers. The most common form of consumerism is the consumer association. His actions cover the areas of protection, information, education and the rights of consumers. Refers to an economic ideology. This is a consumer of goods and services that mutate according to the lifestyle of our society. This is a subtle and insidious notion that we then speak of consumer society. Consumerism is, as such, slammed since the late twentieth century, either by the environmental movement or anti- ads . The first episode of the series is devoted to the relationship between Freud and his American nephew, Edward Bernay. Bernay invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to use Freuds ideas to anipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how to make people want things they did not need by linking mass production of consumer goods to their inner desires. Bernay was one of the principal architects of persuasive techniques in mass consumption, using all the tricks of legerdemain (â€Å"every trick in the book ), from celebrity endorsement and public relations blows most outrageous, until the autoeroticism. His most famous coup was breaking the taboo of smoking for women by persuading them that smoking was a symbol of independence and freedom. Bernay was convinced that it was more than just a way to sell more consumer goods. It was a new political idea to control the masses. Satisfying unaware that his uncle had identified irrational desires, people could be made happy and thus docile. To conclude I think the century of the self is the most profound documentary I’ve ever seen and it’s unique because of its ability to show how our society became the way it is today, what emerges is nothing less than a history of 20th-century social control. The Century of The Self explains not alone why the country is the way it is, but why you are the way you are.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reading Comprehension Strategies And Reading Skills English Language Essay

Reading Comprehension Strategies And Reading Skills English Language Essay Hammadon (1991) says: Reading comprehension is not just understanding words, sentences, or even texts, but involves a complex interartion of the readers prior knowledge, language profiency and their learning strategies (p.30). So reading strategies are very important to achieve the comprehension. Many types of reading strategies are introduced to guide students of all different levels. However, there were few researchers who investigate the relationship of reading comprehension strategies and reading comprehension of students. At HETC, reading has a key place in any English courses when students study English not only as the interest but also the demand for improving their study and promoting in their careers to achieve the long-term goals, especially some of them were assigned to live and work abroad. In their learning process, almost the students meet great challenges when dealing with the reading texts. They usually do not understand texts and cannot complete the tasks so they fee l tired in reading lessons. Therefore, what are the main causes of this current situation? In order to find out the answer, the researcher started a survey on the reading comprehension strategy use. For teachers at HETC, it is hoped that this study may offer them the ways on how to identify strategies used by the students and then they can decide what they should do to promote their students reading comprehension and in their learning as well. Literature review 2.1. Reading comprehension strategies and reading skills Oxford (1990) gives a detailed definition of language learning strategies: Learning strategies are specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations (p.8) and described concretely how learning strategies are applied to the four language skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading. According to her, four strategies: listening strategies, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, or reading strategies are those learning strategies themselves that applied to each of the four skills. Of course, skills and strategies are two big words and common terms of the reading activities, as well. Nutall (1982) pointed out that reading was certainly a process of the readers, who used strategies to work with the meaning of the texts actively and then made sense from them. By the interesting interactions from the readers and texts, more and more researchers keep working to research the relationship between the use of reading strategies and reading comprehension. However, strategy and skill, are they different? Yes, it was actually apparent that they were different. Strategy meant people used the planned methods and implements to achieve their goals, but skill was known as a routine. Moreover, strategy was the result of conciously work towards goals. It helped readers to understand the meaning of contents in order to find out the answer or obtain a certain performance level in reading that they want for themselves (Gagnà ©, 1985). However, it is not always easy to make such a clear differnces between these two terms. Grabe and Stoller (2002) said that many abilities that are commonly identified as strategies are relatively automatic in their use by fluent readers (e.g. skipping an unknown word while reading, rereading to reestabilsh text meaning (p.15) Paris et al (1991) supposed an emerging skill can become more efficient and developmentally advanced when they become generated and applied automatically as skills (p.61). Sometimes this diff erence is not clear at all because that is part of the nature of reading. In this study, reading strategies are used to show specific actions, steps and plans that students conciously apply in their reading process to improve their comprehension. 2.2. The relationship between reading strategies and reading comprehension Reading comprehension must occur rapid in almost any purposeful context, and the more rapidly a text is read, the better reading processes are to effect. Those specific processes must be implemented effectively in combination to ensure the reading comprhension. Reading comprehension requires the reader be strategic. The reader needs to identify processing difficulties, address balances between text information and background knowledge, decide for monitoring comprhension, and shifing goals for reading. When a good reader use strategies, they can read fluently, flexible in line with changing purpose and then continue monitoring the comprehension. Similarly, reading is an process that evaluating the reader, who must decide if the reading information is coherent and finds out the purpose for reading.Alderson (2003) said reading as the interaction of four things. He claimed that the reader and the text together must be fluent reading or the ability to reach at an appropriate rate with ad equate comprehension, or the ability of the reader to use a wide variety of reading strategies to accomplish a purpose for reading (p.149). So discovering the best methods and strategies are the way that a good learner apply during a reading process. 2.3. Previous research on reading comprhension strategies Grellet, F. (1981) wrote a book Developing Reading Skills. This book showed the important role of reading and provided some techniques which help learners improve their reading skill. Nutal, C. (1989) proved reading is to enable students to read without help unfamiliar authentic texts at appropriate speed, silently with adequate understanding. Ozek, O. (2006) researched A study on the Use of Cognitive Reading Strategies by ELT Students. This study carried out to find out which reading strategies are commonly employed by ELT students while reading a text, and which reading strategies are needed to be developed to understand the text better, and to continue academic studies successfully. San San Kung (2007) did an investigation into the relationship between reading comprehension and the use of reading strategies among EFL students in colleges in Taiwan. Through the study, the researcher knew what the reading strategies the EFL students use more or less and what the differences between different grade students. Methodology This chapter will describe research methods used to collect data to answer the research questions and then explain how and why the methods are used. 3.1. Research questions This study aims to find out reading strategy use of HETCs students. This also has objectives to discover if there are any differences in strategy use between lower and higher proficiency readers, as well. Then to suggest some recommendations to raise students awareness of using reading comprehension strategies in the classroom. It aims at answering the following questions: What reading strategies are used by students at HETC? What are the differences in the use of reading strategies between lower and higher proficiency readers? 3.2. Descriptions of variables 3.2.1. Independent variables In this study, the independence variables were the students at HETC. 51 students were chosen as representatives of this particular group sudents to collect needed data. These 51 students were divided into four groups in which students are the members of higher and lower proficiency groups. These 2 groups were chosen to get information to answer the second research question ( More details about these groups and about higher and lower proficiency readers will be found in 3.3.1 and 3.4.2) 3.2.2. Dependent variable: The dependent variable in this research were the strategies applied in reading comprehension, i.e. reading comprehension strategies. 3.3. The data collection instruments: This study employs a combibation of 3 data collection instruments: General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) Questionaire Think-aloud interviews As one of the objectives of this study is to find out if there are any dfferences in the strategy use between higher proficiency (HP) and lower proficiency (LP) readers. The test was used to divide the subjects into difference groups in which groups of higher and lower proficiency were chosen to collect the data. Think-aloud interviews aimed at getting qualitative data and quesionaire was used to get quantiative data. The author can collect a large information of all mentioned strategies and the information from students who share their thought of strategy use in the think-aloud interviews. Of course, the think a loud interviews in this study can be one of the best ways to reaffirm the result got from the questionaire. For example, in the questionaire, the subjects report that they use life experiences to understand the meaning of texts or read the first and last paragraphs and then go back to read the paragraphs; the author will know they use these strategies or not in the interview. 3.3.1. Test A General English proficiency test is a procedure taken to collect data on students ability or the knowledge of disciplines as Information about peoples language ability is often very useful and necessary (Nunan, 1992). The GEPT was taken form the book IELTS for Academic Purpose: A short insentive course (see the appendix 3). Based on the result of the test, the subjects were classified into 4 groups. Group 1 consists students who just got from mark 1 to 2.5; group 2 has those who got mark from 3 to 5. The students in these 2 groups are LP learners. Meanwhile, the students who are in group 3 got mark from 5.5 to 6.5 they are at medium levels. And the last group group 4 consists of HP ones who got mark from 7 and over. After having the result of the test, the author decided to chose group 2 and 4 to collect the data to answer the second research question. So there are 51 subjects in these 2 groups. The author did not choose group 1 because their proficiency were too low and they we re only 1% of the subjects. Details of the test can be found in Appendix 1. 3.3.2. Questionaire: Questionaire is the second data collection instrument in this study. This is also a pretty popular means of data collection. Many researchers suppose that using questionaire in language research has many advantages. First, questionaire can be given to a great amount of students at the same time and it is self-administered. Second, to protect the privacy and keep the fairness, the subjects names might not be appeared on the questionaire. So subjects tend to share the information more naturally, even some sensitive information. Third, the data collected are more accurate because questionaire is usually given to all the subjects at the same time. This study used one survey questionaire to gather the information about reading strategies as well as the differences in strategy use between these two kinds of readers. According to the result of the questionaire (and interviews), the athor can make some recommendation to help students improve their reading abilities. The quesionaire was designed based on the questionaire of Shan Shan Kung (2007). This part consists 3 parts. Of couse, in this study, the author modified the first part personal information part. The next part concept of reading had 3 questions to explore the perceptions of English reading. The last part had thirty eight questions of strategy use. In the beginning of third section, thirty four questions utilized a Liker Scale point systems. The subjects were asked to respond to each statement by choosing among four answers: 1) usually; 2) sometimes; 3) rarely; 4) never. Each section has four to six questions (except section 1 has 10 questions because of discoverin g the reading process). Through the survey, the author found out which strategies actually actracted HP readers more than LP readers. 3.3.3. Think aloud interviews In addition to the quetionaire, interviews are used to obtain information by actually talking to the subject. The interviewer asks questions and the subject responds. Interviews are the good way for collecting data as Seliger, H.W. (1989) claimed Interviews are personalized and therefore permit a level of in-depth information gathering, free response and flexibility that cannot be obtained by other procedures (p.166). However, it can be costly and time consuming. In this study, think aloud interviews were used to collect the data about the students reading strategy. The Interviewer Guide for Reading Strategies developed by Honsenfeld et al. (1981). In oder to make the Guide appropriate for objectives of thi study, the researcher has made some changes in the strategies they posed ( see Appendix 3). 3.4. Participants in the study: At the time the study was carried out, the subjects had just finished an English course. Their textbook was à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Therefore, their commonly assumed proficiency was intermidiate. They were members of three classes. One class included 25 students , 24 in the other class and 21 in the last one and they stuied the same textbook. Their ages ranged from 19 to 24. Almost all of students had at least 3 years of learning English before this class. They were delivered a reading proficiency test to be divided into higher and lower proficiency readers. In this study, gender has minimal effect on the results because the number of male students is quite small in the total of the subjects. 3.5. Procedure The data were collected by the researcher during a week in autum 2009. After contacting the English teachers of the subjects in person to get approval for asking their students to participate in the study, the researcher pre-arranged the time. The researcher went to English classes to administer the tests. The students were asked to complete the test in 60 minutes. The English teachers and the researcher supervised and marked the test papers later. The 2 days after, subjects were distributed the questionanires. The researcher gave some directions to the subjects and of then encouraged students to ask for any clarifications they might need and any other extra time when they filled out the questionaire. And of couse, the researcher wanted to protect the privacy and the students fairness, so the students names would not fill in the questionaires. In order to advoid misunderstanding the questions, the questionaire were translated into Vietnamese which were enclosed with the English version. The questionaire administration took about 30 minutes in each class. For days later, six chosen students were interviewed individually at the researcher s office in HETC. The reseacher pre-arranged the time and contacted to the students by the phone. Before the interview, the reseacher gave the instructions and explained the purpose of the study to students so they could understand what they had to do clearly. Each interview took from 10 to 15 minutes. Data analysis and findings 4.1. The result of the questionaire 4.1.1. Demographic Data Table 4.1 Demographic Information of Students (N=51) Subject Frequency Percentage Total N % Gender Male 9 17.6 51 100 Female 42 82.4 Level Lower proficiency 32 63.7 Higher proficiency 19 36.3 Years of English learning experience 2 3 5.9 51 100 4 9 17.6 5 15 29.4 6 11 21.6 7 6 11.8 8 2 3.9 9 4 7.8 10 1 2.0 Look at the table 4.1, of the 51 students participating in the study, 9 (17.6%) were males and 43 (82.4%) were females. Of the 19 HP students (36.3%) and 32 (63.7%) were LP students. When asking about years of English learning experience, just 1 students (2.0%) has been studying English for ten years. 9 students (17.6%) have been studying English for four years, 15 students (29.4%) have been studying English for five years, 11 students (21.6%) have been studying English for six years, 6 students (11.8%) have been studying English for seven years, 2 students (3.9%) have been studying English for eight years, 4 students (7.8%) have been studying English for nine years. Because foreign language in general and English in particular were given into school from sixth grade in secondary school, and from tenth grade in high school ( in some remote areas), the most students years of English learning experience were between four and seven years. To answer the second section of the questionnaire about concepts of reading, the results were presented in Table 4.2. Table 4.2 The Relationship between the Important of Reading for Language Learning and Reading Hours per Week by higher and lower proficiency students Reading hours per week 2 3 4 Over 4 N % N % N % N % Higher proficiency students (N =19) Very important 2 10.5 5 26.3 6 31.6 3 15.8 important 1 5.3 2 10.5 Not important Lower proficiency students (N =32) Very important 6 18.8 7 21.9 5 15.6 important 4 12.5 5 15.6 4 12.5 Not important 1 3.1 According to the illustration of Table 4.2, HP students who thought reading was very important for language learning were 2 (10.5%) spent two hours per week on reading, 5(26.3%) for three hours per week, 6 (31.6%), for four hours per week and 3 (15.8%) for over four hours per week. HP students who thought reading was important for language learning were 1 (5.3%) spent two hours per week on reading, 2 (10.5%) for four hours per week. There were not any students who thought reading was not important for language learning. In the LP group, 6 (18.8%) students thought reading was very important for language learning and spent two hours per week for it, 7 (21.9%) spent three hours for reading, 5 (15.6%) spent four hours for reading. These LP students supposed reading was important for language learning were 4 (12.5%) spent two hours per week on reading, 5 (15.6%) for three hours per week. There was 1 (3.1%) students said reading was not important for language learning but still spent two hours per week on it. 4.1.2. Findings for Research Question One The research question one was What reading comprehension strategies are used by students at HETC ? After collecting data, it showed what the same or different strategies were used more or less by HP or LP students for helping them understand the contents of the reading materials in different reading situations and were ranked from low to high to represent which strategy would be used more or less by the students during their reading process in different situations. The results were listed in the following by all of students reading ability levels when they used reading strategies in different reading situations. The total results came from the 51 students in Table 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6. Table 4.3 Means, Ranks, and Standard Deviations of the Uses of Reading Strategies in First Section by students at HETC When I read English materials, Mean Mean SD Rank 1. I read a table of contents, and then read the contents 1.82 1 .90 2. I focus on the first sentence of each paragraph for helping me understand the main points of the whole paragraph 2.51 7 .12 3. I underline the main points when I am reading 2.03 4 .97 4. I write Vietnamese on the margin for vocabulary words I dont understand during reading 1.86 2 .90 5 I skim over the full text, and then read details 1.88 3 .92 6 I use life experiences helping me understand the meaning of texts 1.86 2 .90 7 I use the background knowledge of the English culture to understand the contents 2.57 8 1.03 8 I use key words or sentences to guess the main idea of the articles 1.88 3 1.08 9 After reading each paragraph, I ask myself if I understand what I read before, and paraphrase the main idea, then keep reading the next paragraph 2.25 5 1.09 10 I discuss what I read with classmates 2.45 6 1.05 In Table 4.3, the result indicated which strategies the 51 students used more or less when they read English materials. The table showed the data with mean, mean rank, and standard deviation. As illustration of Table 4.3, the mean was from 1.82 to 2.51 and the rank was S1 (1.82) Table 4.4 Means, Ranks, and Standard Deviations of the Uses of Reading Strategies in First Section by students at HETC When I do not understand a vocabulary, Mean Mean SD Rank 11 I check the dictionary immediately 2.37 3 1.1 12 I mark and pass it, keep reading and then go back 2.33 2 1.08 13 I use other words in the sentence to infer the meaning of vocabulary 2.09 1 .87 14 I analyze its suffix and prefix to get its meaning 3.00 4 1.21 Through Table 4.4, strategy 13 I use other words in the sentence to infer the meaning of vocabulary was most used by the students when they did not understand a vocabulary during the reading process. On contrary, strategy 14 I analyze its suffix and prefix to get its meaning was the strategy which most students used least in this reading situation. Table 4.5 Means, Ranks, and Standard Deviations of the Uses of Reading Strategies in First Section by students at HETC When I do not understand a sentence, Mean Mean SD Rank 15 I use the context (topic, subject) to derive the meaning of each sentence 1.86 1 .91 16 I translate word for word into Vietnamese to better understand the meaning of the sentences 2.35 4 1.12 17 I take grammar analysis (ex: finding subject and verb etc.) to understand the meaning of the sentences 2.33 3 1.02 18 I analyze the structure of sentences (ex: sample sentence, adjective clause, or adverb clause, etc.)to derive the meaning of sentence 2.37 5 .97 19 I will analyze the verb tense (ex: past tense or future tense) or verb mood (ex: subjunctive mood or imperative mood) for better understanding 2.27 2 .95 In Table 4.5, those strategies had close mean scores between each other, but it also pointed out the differences from 2.27 to 2.37, except the strategy 15 had the mean score less 1.86. It described that strategy 15 I use the context (topic, subject) to derive the meaning of each sentence were the most used by the students when they did not understand a sentence during reading process. Vice versa, the means of the strategy 16 and strategy 18 to derive the meaning of sentence meant that they were used least than other strategies in this section. Table 4.6 Means, Ranks, and Standard Deviations of the Uses of Reading Strategies in First Section by students When I dont understand (including vocabulary and sentences,) except above reading strategies, Mean Mean SD Rank 20 I check books (ex: grammar books or encyclopedia) for references 2.16 2 1.14 21 I go on the Internet to find related information 1.98 1 .92 22 I ask teachers or classmates for clarification 2.27 3 1.03 23 I read the difficult parts several times 2.63 5 1.12 24 I read the contents orally several times 2.47 4 .94 25 I will memorize the vocabulary pertaining to the contents before reading 2.16 2 .99 According to the data, it presented that strategy 21 I go on Internet to find related information was used by almost students. The information technology nowaday becomes quite popular to students so they would like to search information on the Internet. The S20 = S25 (2.16) both stood the second position. The strategy that students used least was strategy 23 I read difficult parts several times. 4.1.3. Findings for Research Question Two Research question two was What are the differences in the use of reading strategies of the higher and lower proficiency students at HETC? Through mean, standard deviation, t-tests and p value, the data analysis depicted detailed information about the differences of reading strategy performance between these two groups of students. The comparative groups focused on higher and lower proficiency student. Table 4.7 Means, Standard Deviations, t-Tests and p Value between higher and lower proficiency students at HETC when I read English materials, Lower proficiency students Higher proficiency students T p (N=19) (N=32) Mean SD Mean SD 1. I read a table of contents, and then read the contents 2.00 1.054 1.72 .813 .999 .322 2. I focus on the first sentence of each paragraph for helping me understand the main points of the whole paragraph 2.16 1.118 1.78 .792 1.288 .20 3. I underline the main points when I am reading 2.00 1.105 2.06 .914 -.208 .84 4. I write Vietnamese on the margin for vocabulary words I dont understand during reading 2.79 1.084 2.78 1.069 .026 .98 5. I skim over the full text, and then read details 2.05 1.026 1.78 .870 .965 .34 6. I use life experiences helping me understand the meaning of texts 1.89 .937 1.84 .917 .189 .85 7. I use the background knowledge of the English culture to understand the contents 2.05 1.129 2.86 .871 -2.729 .00** 8. I use key words or sentences to guess the main idea of the articles 2.37 1.261 1.59 .911 2.412 .02* 9. After reading each paragraph, I ask myself if I understand what I read before, and paraphase the main idea, then keep reading the next paragraph 2.00 1.202 2.53 .983 -1.630 .11 10. I discuss what I read with classmates 2.53 1.264 2.41 .946 .359 .72 p As indicated in Table 4.7, strategy 7 and strategy 8 attended to the significant difference level (p Table 4.8 Means, Standard Deviations, t-Tests and p Value between higher and lower proficiency students at HETC When I do not understand a vocabulary, Higher proficiency students Lower proficiency students t p (N=19) (N=32) Mean SD Mean SD 11. I check the dictionary immediately 3.32 .749 1.81 .896 6.432 .00** 12. I mark and pass it, keep reading and then go back 2.89 1.1 2.06 .878 2.809 .00** 13. I use other words in the sentence to infer the meaning of vocabulary 2.05 .911 2.13 .871 -.279 .78 14. I analyze its suffix and prefix to get its meaning 2.84 1.344 3.13 1.07 -.782 .44 p In table 4.8, strategy 11 and strategy 12 attended to the significant different level (p

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Axis Powers :: World War II History

The Axis Powers Almost everyone knows of The Axis Powers. They were enemies of The Allied Powers in World War II. They are synonymous with The Holocaust because Adolf Hitler was the man who started The Holocaust and he ws the dictator of Germany. The Axis Powers originally was the alliance between Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and Benito Mussolini's Fascist Italy. Italy did not do much during the war though. The goals of The Axis Powers clearly emerged in the Italo-Germany Pact. It was a pact that was signed in May of 1939 in which Italy and Germany promised to help each other in the time of war. Germany also signed another pact because Hitler believed that Germany had lost World War I due to the fact that Germany had to fight on two sides. The pact was a ten-year, non-aggression pact between the USSR and Germany. The pact was later abolished when the USSR began to help the Allied Powers fight Germany. Hitler wasn't well known during World War I. As a matter of fact, Hitler was a private during the war and ended up gaining power because he appealed to a large number of German people. He appealed to them by a combination of an effective and well-practiced style of speaking with what looked like undoubtable sincerity and determination. This helped Hitler find a large audience for his program of national revival, racial pride in Germanic values, hatred for France and of the Jewish and other un-German races, and despise for the Weimer Republic. With the way he spoke, Hitler convinced the people of Germany to believe that a dictatorship was the only thing that could save Germany from the problems it was having. Hitler's views only changed a little in the years to follow; yet he still managed to draw an increasing number of people to his speeches. On September 30, 1938, France and Great Britain agreed to let Nazi Germany have a piece of Czechoslovakia. Hitler told the British and French that it would be his last demand for territory in Europe. Hitler ended up breaking this pact when he took over Prague. During that same year, Germany attacked Poland and defeated them in one month. Poland was then split into two parts with Hitler's Nazi Germany taking part and Stalin's Communist USSR taking the other part. The invasion was what started World War II.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The American South :: American History States Papers

The American South So you've moved, or been moved, to the South. Or maybe you're thinking about it. You're wondering: What is this place? What's different about it? Is it different, anymore? Good questions. Old ones, too. People have been asking them for decades. Some of us even make our livings by asking them, but we still don't agree about the answers. Let's look at what might seem to be a simpler question: Where is the South? That's easy enough, isn't it? People more or less agree about which parts of the United States are in the South and which aren't. If I gave you a list of states and asked which are "Southern," all in all, chances are you'd agree with some of my students, whose answers are summarized in Figure 1. I don't share their hesitation about Arkansas, and I think too many were ready to put Missouri in the South, but there's not a lot to argue with here. That tells us something. It tells us that the South is, to begin with, a concept and a shared one. It's an idea that people can talk about, think about, use to orient themselves and each other. People know whether they're in it or not. As a geographer would put it, the South is a "vernacular" region. Stop and think about that. Why should that be? Why can I write "South" with some assurance that you'll know I mean Richmond and don't mean Phoenix? What is it that the South's boundaries enclose? Well, for starters, it's not news that the South has been an economically and demographically distinctive place a poor, rural region with a biracial population, reflecting the historic dominance of the plantation system. One thing the South's boundaries have set off is a set of distinctive problems, growing out of that history. Those problems may be less and less obvious, but most are still with us to some extent, and we can still use them to locate the South. But the South is more than just a collection of unfavorable statistics. It has also been home to several populations, black and white, whose intertwined cultures have set them off from other Americans as well as from each other. Some of us, in fact, have suggested that Southerners ought to be viewed as an American ethnic group, like Italian- or Polish-Americans. If we can use distinctive cultural attributes to find Southerners, then we can say that the South is where they are found.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Apple’s Competitive Advantage Clearly Lies

Apple’s competitive advantage clearly lies in its organizational culture. However the leadership for maintaining the specific cultural orientation comes from Steve Job’s vision of the future direction of product development. Without his leadership, the company might not be in a position to develop products that will transform the market.This has been the core competency of the company. By transforming the market dynamics, the company has managed to create a market leadership position. Therefore new product development has been the critical success factor at Apple and the guiding force behind the success of this strategy has been Steve Job’s vision.Once he relinquishes his position, it is not clear whether Apple would be able to maintain its competitive advantage. In this respect, the issues of succession planning become relevant. If Apple is to make its competitive advantage sustainable, then it would have to develop the necessary human capital that would maintai n the company’s momentum in new product development.According to Michael Porter’s framework for strategy formulation, a business organization has three strategies at its disposal for developing a competitive advantage: differentiation, cost minimization and quick response.The problem with these strategies is that they cannot lead to the development of a sustainable competitive advantage because they can be easily copied by competitor organizations.However when it comes to the competitive advantage rooted in the organizational culture, then it becomes sustainable because the organizational culture in each company is unique, therefore the best practices in this regard may not be immediately transferable.This unique organizational culture at Apple has been created by Steve Jobs’ vision for the continuous improvement process. Essentially he is implementing the strategy of differentiation through a continuous process of new product development.However it is his leade rship which facilitates the continuous process of managing change which new product development entails. Therefore whether the company would survive Steve Jobs’ departure is a valid question.The general public is clearly of the opinion that Apple will lose its competitive advantage once Jobs no longer provides the creative force. The share prices of the company fluctuate depending on the health condition of the CEO. In order to boost public confidence, the management of the company should clearly develop its internal resources so that dependence on Steve Jobs’ leadership may be slowly diminished.However no matter how much of strategic human resource management the company practices, its glory days may be gone with the departure of Steve Jobs. His vision guided the product development strategies of the company and they were the core competencies of the company.Once this mental connect with the market is no longer there, the company may no longer be in a position to deve lop products that will draw an enthusiastic response from the market. Apple’s competitive advantage is based on reshaping markets and rethinking products to the core. The implementation of both these strategies has been driven by Steve Jobs’ vision.The critical need for Apple at the moment is to conduct a rigorous process of succession planning. The company needs to recruit manpower from external sources in order to maintain the innovative spirit of the company. The most important strategy for the company is to maintain the strategy of differentiation. However the innovative cultural orientation must be maintained.The management should therefore develop human capital accordingly. Employees must be made to see how their work links to the strategic focus of the company, so that they can be involved in the new product development process. In this respect, the importance of creative thinking must be stressed at all times.In this respect, the management has to invest in tra ining and development programs. Once the employees are involved in the decision making process, it will be enriched and as a result, the company will be able to maintain its momentum in continuing to develop revolutionary products.Dess, Gregory G., et al. (2007). Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantage. McGraw Hill/Irwin.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Poverty in the United States and in India Essay

Poverty is the inability to meet basic needs of life and to some extent the inability to meet essential material needs that ensure a safe and secure livelihood. The United States measures poverty using government’s set poverty line. In rough estimate around 12% to 16% in the United States live below the poverty line. When statistics were done in the year 2006, people under the 18 were the ones highly affected by poverty. A research that was done recently by Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire, the rate of children who are poor is relatively higher in the rural parts than in the suburban areas. The US government and other nongovernmental organizations have been trying to reduce the level of poverty in the country. They have tried to educate as well as initiating campaigns that focus on poverty eradication. With this they place their focus especially on the homeless, people faced by atrocities like earthquakes, immigrants and others. The government has tried to build up charity programs and social workings based on improving the nature of the impoverished people. Faced with the heated up issue on poverty the Government has come up with 2017 poverty eradication plan, that is based on lowering or bringing to an end the poverty that faces some parts in the country. The Government embarks on raising the low- income workers’ minimum wage to 50 percent unlike the 30 percent that they earn. The Government also in tends to raise the Earned Income tax Credit and Child Tax Credit; the former enables people to invest on assets and the latter provides the child with a tax credit of $1000 per child. The Government wants to establish a policy that looks after the rights of employees, leading to better jobs and good salaries. It will also embark on child care help to those families that have got a low income and promote education for all. It will also create be able to place youths that are disadvantaged to schools and work so they are able to earn a living. They also want to make sure that they make it possible for higher education to be available in every state. These among many other solutions are being looked at by the US government in order to reduce the rate of poverty. Factors that result to poverty in the US include; parents not being married and raising children out of wedlock, Great amounts of taxes imposed even to the low income earning people, Public schools are run poorly, in addition to being funded heavily such that some people do not afford them. , children score very low in marks. Diseases like mental disabilities, abuse of drugs, domestic abuse and also natural disasters are other causes of poverty in the United States. INDIA India is one of the poorest countries in the world, unlike the US which is a world class country. Its most people live below the poverty line that is one third of the population. According to World Bank; 2005, â€Å"India has 456 million people, 46% of its population lives below the poverty line, it also has 828 million people, or 75. 6% living below $2 a day† Some of the causes of India’s poverty are the meager daily wages that employees receive. Most people in India live in rural India. They get very low of what they earn which is basically not possible to live a comfortable life with. There is also unequal distribution of wealth with very less people earning 33% of the income while most people in the country earn less than what is expected by the Government and that is $0. 40 per day. Others of those people work in informal job sectors that have got no job or social security hence leading them to extreme poverty. As a result of the income inequality, most children in India are affected by food, surviving rarely on very little. A high percentage of those children are suffering from malnutrition, than has been witnessed in other countries. The major causes of poverty in India are derived from two schools of thought. The first being the Developmental view which states, that India’s economy was completely deindustrialized. This resulted to all goods and services turning out to be very expensive and the India man could barely afford. As a result of the tremendous increase in prices and a decline in terms of trade, a massive hunger struck and resulted to many Indians dying. The land where the people grew food crops was all destroyed and cash crops such as cotton, opium, tea and grain for export and more so for animal feeds were planted. With this, it is evident that the colonial governments were part to blame for the impoverished country. The other school of thought; Neoliberal view states that both unemployment and underemployment were also a cause towards poor India. Farmers in India too over rely much on Agriculture products without looking for other investment areas. In other words the people of India have got great food security but low economic growth. Agriculture, unfortunately contributes to economy growth only 18% whereas 60% of the population depend on it. India too has got a high population growth that has immensely led to poverty since agriculture is their main source of income and the people are too many to be assisted by agriculture only. The â€Å"caste system† in India has also been blamed as a cause of poverty, since most people were left out in employment opportunities, education and other essentials. In conclusion, both India and the US have been faced with poverty issues; however, we cannot equate poverty in US to that in India. India’s economic growth is very low, the US are a bit privileged, since they are one of the most powerful countries economically. India might take a long time to recover but US is able to make sure that their goals towards curbing poverty are initiated and bring forth fruits.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Abigail Adams – Short Essay

Former first lady, writer. Born Abigail Smith on November 22, 1744, (by the Gregorian calendar we use today) in Weymouth, Massachusetts. Abigail Adams is best known as the wife of President John Adams and for her extensive correspondence. She was also the mother of John Quincy Adams who became the sixth president of the United States. The daughter of a minister, she was a devoted reader, studying the works of William Shakespeare and John Milton among others. Adams did not, however, attend school, which was common for girls at the time. In 1761, she met a lawyer named John Adams.Three years later, the couple married and soon welcomed their first child, a daughter named Abigail, in 1765. Their family continued to grow with the addition of John Quincy in 1767, Susanna in 1768, Charles in 1770, and Thomas Boylston in 1772. Sadly, Susanna died as a toddler and later the family suffered another tragedy when Abigail delivered a stillborn daughter in 1777. With a busy law practice, her husba nd spent a lot of time away from home. This situation only worsened as John Adams became an active member of the American Revolution and the Revolutionary War.As a result, the couple spent a lot of time apart. She was also left to carry much of the burden at home, raising their children and caring for the family farm. The couple remained closed by corresponding with each other. It is believed that they exchanged more than 1,100 letters. Abigail Adams expressed concern about how the new government would treat women. In one of her many letters to her husband, she requested that he â€Å"Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands.Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If perticuliar care and attention is not paid to the Laidies we are determined to foment a Rebelion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation. † Odd s pellings aside, Abigail Adams often expressed her thoughts on political matters with her husband. Throughout his career, Abigail had served an unofficial advisor to him. Their letters show him seeking her counsel on many issues, including his presidential aspirations.Adams remained a supportive spouse and confidante after her husband became the president in 1797. Some critics objected to Abigail’s influence over her husband, calling her â€Å"Mrs. President. † The nation’s second first lady kept a busy schedule when she was in Philadelphia, the country’s capitol at the time. Adams rose early to tend to family and household matters and spent much of the remainder of the day receiving visitors and hosting events. She still spent a lot of time back in Massachusetts because of her health.Around the time her husband was defeated by Thomas Jefferson in the 1800 election, the Adams learned of the death of their second son Charles, which was related to his alcoho lism. With great sadness, the Adams soon moved to the country’s new capitol, Washington, D. C. , where they became the first residents of the White House. Abigail Adams wrote many letters to family around this time, shedding light on the early days of the new capital and complaining about the unfinished state of their new home.A few months later, after John Adams left office in 1801, they returned to their family farm. With John now retired, the couple was able to spend more time together. She continued to run the farm and to care for the family members, including their eldest child, Nabby (young Abigail’s nickname), who died of cancer at their home in 1814. Struggling with her own health for decades, Abigail Adams had a stroke in October 1818 and died at home with her family on October 28, 1818.

Biometrics Identification Attendance Monitoring System Essay

Technology plays an important role in our society because of modernization. One that makes the daily activities of organizations more convenient is the use of technology. The internet that is really abundant today for handling information, web-based applications are some example of this and Information Technology (IT) is a big help to many companies. To resolve the problems encountered in the daily processes as well as to make their company effective and competitive. â€Å"Business Analytics† is a continuous iterative exploration that refers to the technology, application, processes and a fact based management to driven decision making. Philippine Auto Components, Inc. was established in the Philippines in 1995. The company is a part of DENSO Corporation Japan, which is the leading company in automotive technology components in the world. The products are car air-conditioning and heating systems, electrical automotive and electronic control products, filters, fuel management systems, instrument panel clusters and radiators. PAC is certified as ISO 14001 in August 1998 for it regards the preservation of natural resources and international and environmental standard. The company have the mission to contribute to the better world by creating value together with a vision for future. It’s Vision to become the top design engineering who totally develop Electronic automobile technology. Its philosophy, such as Customer satisfaction to quality products and services, Global Growth through anticipation of change, Environmental Preservation and harmony with society and Corporate vitality and respect for individuality. The organization works the spirit of having teamwork, as One for All, All for One†. The policy in the manufacturing as 3M- Minimum space, stock, investment; 3N- No defect received, produced, delivered; 3S- speed, simple, s. o. p and 3Z- Zero emission, variance, accident. The principles of HR to their employees to motivate them to work with encouragement by fully concentrating with their capabilities, to recruit, assign, retain, and develop competitive workers with creative power and fair HR management policies to gain for DENSO recognition in both community and associates. Since they expanded last year, they will focus on recruitment of new employees and maintaining the performances of their current workers. Because of this they exceed more time and focus for the HR Personnel to generate reports about the employees, the applicants as well as the supervisors. In the recruitment process, there are applicants that will have an exam once they submitted their resume in the company; applicant wait hours while screening of their resume which is checked by HR Personnel. Applicants who passed the exam will be informed through phone for scheduled interview and requirements. Usually applicants wait months with the result. When an employee requests a sick leave, he/she is required to fill up explanatory form. Before request leave acceptance, he is required to submit medical certification for the updating signed by concerned Officers for HR archiving and verification. Ailing personnel is considered unfit to work. Meanwhile, the supervisors have several tasks to accomplish also and the top priority is the work for the flow of the production. They should go to the designation area of the supervisors and employees to update records correcting inconsistencies accomplishing this with given deadline. HR has other reports to be done apart from this. Through cooperation and time management the process with the HR, it should be easier for them to handle. We focused our study on the HR department about their current process in the recruitment, evaluation and filling leave by the employees as well as the reports for the HR. The researchers want to contribute to the improvement of the processes through this study. The Philippine Auto Components, Inc. is one of the companies that want improvement, in their office because they encountered inconveniency. The main objective of the study is to develop efficiently the current process of Human resources of Philippine Auto Component, Inc. Specifically, the study aims to achieve the following: 1. To determine the problem with regards to data rendering of Human Resources. 2. To determine the issues with regards to generating reports of Employees Information. 3. To address accurately the information for the Human Resources related decision. 4. To speed up the process of monitoring the records in recruitment, job evaluation and performance, leave request and employees’ information. 5. To provide a system that can be effective, accurate, reliable, user friendly and secure. 6. To improve the reports and employees information being mishandled that leads to the lost of data and errors in records. Conceptual Framework The researchers used a paradigm structure to support the fundamental principles of the study. A paradigm is a pattern or a model that corresponds to the real world of processes on what the researchers have gathered. It guides the development of the study regarding what the proponents want to improve for the satisfaction among the persons involved in this study. The figure shows the paradigm that is based upon the process in the Human Resource Department or the office. The paradigm has the Input, Process and Output that will guide the researchers for the development of the automation in some HR processes. INPUTPROCESSOUTPUT Figure 1. Conceptual Framework The figure shows the process inside the HR that the information about the employee, applicants and even the supervisors are being recorded. The employees information like their leave request, their performances in their designated jobs including the personal information and which the department they belong to. The applicants’ information with the flow of recruitment and their training are also being input. The supervisors are also being evaluated by the employees. This will be processed and have an output of the reports in evaluations of three, the absence calculations and the lists of the current employees and newly hired as well as the applicants’ information and list. Significance of the Study Prior to the advent of computerization, data is processed manually. However, in the past few decades, the computer and electronic technology has been incorporated into almost every aspect of our lives. They now play a big role in the lives of people and assist them in taking care of files and documents. Today, there is probably no better indication of how technologically advance is the society than a computerization process. Nowadays, computers have become the base technology that enables the people to tap information resources as the fast growing industry of the internet. Great help will be provided for the company Philippine Auto Components, Inc. in terms of trends in Information System, thus, improving the HR functions and benefits as the delivery of services within the organization. The following are the beneficiaries: Company. The Philippine Auto Components, Inc. will benefit because they can save materials like papers and inks as part of their cost in the operation of the company, especially they can now have strategic planning to be more competitive advantages instead on focusing to the manual process that HR has. The company will remove the barrier between the branches or other department. HR Personnel. Can give less effort in the report, target deadlines are being done before the date, eliminates human errors, save time, the leave and absences made by the employees are monitored as well as the communication between the applicants and employee is more convenient. The possible loss of information is less. Supervisors. Accurate and up to date leave reporting and a real-time tracking of leave will generate the system. They are easily informed about the leave request and handling of approval and disapproval will not disturb their other work activities within the company. Employees. Can easily file a leave request without filling up many forms like explanation slip, and they can monitor and aware of their allotted leave such as sick leave and vacation leave. They can work in a fair environment. Their performances are also shown for they will be in the sense of improving their jobs and have a goal to do task well managed and be an asset to the company. Applicants. Hiring within the company is easily being known by the applicants and they will prefer online applications than traditional walk-in job hunting which is time consuming and costly. The announcement online will benefit them, for they can easily apply for what exact job they are looking for. The follow-up Interview schedule through email would be better than waiting for a phone call. Researchers. This will help the future researchers to use this as their reference in their study as well as the programming language being used. This will aid them in enriching their study and will serve as a source of their related literature. Scope and Limitation This study will focus on the HR functions in the company, Philippine Auto Components, Inc. and is intended to eliminate the common problems encountered by the current process of the organization. The information about the current employees, applicants as well as the supervisors will be input to the system. The employees can request a leave which is being approved by the supervisor with the use of the system. Employees can also monitor their allotted leave and performances in their jobs. Applicants can follow-up scheduled interviews through the notification in the HR admin who uses the system. They can also view hiring position within the company. HR can monitor the training of the newly hired employees. The information list of employees in their classification belonged to like contractual, under probationary, regular employees and on the job trainees are also being monitored. The allotted or remaining absence or leave will be monitored by the employee. The performances of employees being evaluated by the supervisor and the applicants’ information are being updated by the HR Personnel. The system offers reports like list of employees, list of applicants, leave monitoring and evaluation reports among the employees. There is a communication between the employee and the HR department and employees can also suggest some ideas to the management. The system does not cover the inventory of all the materials inside the company, cannot compute the sales of the company, do not monitor the prices of the product, cannot monitor trucking and shipping of the products and cannot make purchase order. Definition of Terms Online. A computer-related application that uses an internet connection to be access by the users of the system to communicate easier and faster among the people involved in the institution. It helps the organization to gain more competitive advantages. Company. This is the working environment that has one goal in achieving their vision in terms of business and customer services depending on their products. Organization. It is the groups of people in the company that are involved in the process of Human Resources and needed to have the full attention with regards to the data handling. I. S. Information System. System that help the current process to be more accurate, efficient, secured, user friendly and make their work and day to day operation be more convenient. HRIS. Human Resource Information System. System that develop to collect, process, store and distribute information applying to the policies and process of the Human Resource Management. HRM. Human Resource Management. It encompasses the recruitment, records, leave reports and other information that provides a safe and fair environment in the company. HR Personnel. Person who are responsible in the Human Resource in the current process. HR Department. The persons who are involved in the data reports, recruitment, evaluation and the whole Human Resource process in the company. Supervisors. The head officer of each department in the company that implement the rules and regulations of the company, communicating to the HR for the better flow of the employees’ job, be motivated and guides them for their leave request. Employees. The persons who work within the company’s premises. Applicant. The people who seek job vacancies in the company to have a work and be stable to the day to day life. Leave Request. The employees need to file when in sick, emergency, even maternity and paternity leave covered on period of the date. Computerization. It is the process of applying technology in the paper handling materials for betterment of the organizations’ tasks in the company. Paradigm. A pattern that will help the researchers to overview the covered processes of the HR on what are should be the input data and the accurate output of the system. Quantitative Data. It express the data’s certain amount or range. It makes sense to set boundary limits to such data and it is also meaningful to apply arithmetic operations to data. Quantitative research. This is a technique like surveys whose findings may be expressed numerically and can be computed through mathematical manipulation. That will help the researchers to estimate the future events or quantities. Lickert Scale. It is the way to measure the mean figure responses and evaluate a study through questionnaire using decrement value (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither, Disagree and Strongly Disagree). Iterative Waterfall. The focus is on delivering a sprint of work as opposed to a series of valuable/shippable features.